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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


我 handsome 不 handsome ? 这个我不能讲.我一讲,人家就要说我又是在王婆卖瓜,自卖自夸了.

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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 没有男朋友/老公的姐姐妹妹是怎么解决性饥渴的问题的? 是不是一定要买个玩具?
    • sorry,你经常会问这样的问题,可是你却不是有这样需求的人。至少你表现如此。为了围场子?
      • most ppl here are married. so.... it is inappropriate.
    • 楼主每隔一段时间就发一个语不惊人死不休的帖子,是不是嫌这个坛子太安静了
      1. 自慰不能代替真刀真枪,只能作为一种补充
      2. 据我所知,多数女性自慰是不用工具的,non-penetrate
      3. 找一个半长期性伴侣比找一夜情从任何方面都好多了

      • We have quite some people who are fully grown-up but still with the early teen mentality.
    • 简单的答案呢,就是看看这个帖子:
      “Hi, for people that want to get their souls corrupted in an effective way, try http://www.ashleymadison.com/ working quite well for those pathetic looking for one-night-stand, an affair etc. Hell is waiting for you. -didudi(didudi); 9.1 16:30 (#5474@30) Reply“

      多说几句,因为看过你的很多帖子,让人“恨铁不成钢“的感觉。你可以到那个网站上多看看那些男人想要的是什么。对不少男人来说,尤其是事业有成的男人, 他们喜欢的是sesual, intellectual, and sophisticated women. 这几点,你好像只有第一点沾了点边。
      • self handle since i cannot find any solutions.
        • maybe...
          Maybe I can help you. I am a good man and always like to help people.
          • 楼主既然开诚布公的说了就不会露面,只在网上每隔一段时间发一个类似的贴子挖个坑来寻求心理满足
            • 我这人心特软
              • oh, really? r u single without girlfriend and handsome?
                • 赛飞鹅阿妹

                  我 handsome 不 handsome ? 这个我不能讲.我一讲,人家就要说我又是在王婆卖瓜,自卖自夸了.