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你一定也会喜欢Ace of Base乐队的歌曲尤其是The Sign和All that She Wants。瑞典国家虽小人杰地灵,乃现代音乐三强国之一,Ace of Base确实我的最奈百听不厌!

"Ace of Base - The Sign"

Whoah,ah,oh,oh, YEA!

I,I gotta new life
You would hardly recognize me I'm so glad
How could a person like me care for you?
(Why?)Why do I bother
When you're not the one for me
Ooooo, is enough enough?

I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes
I saw the sign
Life is demanding without understanding
I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes
I saw the sign
No one's gonna drag you up to get into the light where you belong...
But where do you belong?
Under the clean moon
For so many years I've wondered who you are
How could a person like you bring me joy?
Under the pale moon
Where I see a lot of stars
Ooooo Is enough enough

I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes
I saw the sign
Life is demanding without understanding
I saw the si-ign and it opened up my eyes
I saw the sign
No one's gonna drag you up to get into the light where you belong...
But where do you belong?
Oh!Oh, oh, oh

(Larger instrumental break)

I saw the sign and it opened up my mind!
And I am happy now living without you
I've left you, oh-oh-OH!
I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes I saw the sign
No one's gonna drag you up to get into the light where you belong

(I saw the sign - I saw the si-i-ign) I saw the sign!
(I saw the sign - I saw the si-ig-i-ign)
(i saw the sign - i saw the si-ign) i saw the sign!

And it opened up my eyes, I saw the sign! (sign, sign,sign)

"Ace of Base - All That She Wants"

She leads a lonely life
She leads a lonely life

When she woke up late in the morning light
And the day had just begun
She opened up her eyes and thought
Oh what a morning
It's not a day for work
It's a day for catching tan
Just lying on the beach and having fun
She's going to get you

All that she wants is another baby
She's gone tomorrow boy
All that she wants is another baby
All that she wants is another baby
She's gone tomorrow boy
All that she wants is another baby
All that she wants - all that she wants

So if you are in sight and the day is right
She's the hunter you're the fox
The gentle voice that talks to you won't talk forever
It is a night for passion
But the morning means goodbye
Beware of what is flashing in her eyes
She's going to get you

All that she wants is another baby
She's gone tomorrow boy
All that she wants is another baby
All that she wants is another baby
She's gone tomorrow boy
All that she wants is another baby

All that she wants is another baby
She's gone tomorrow boy
All that she wants is another baby
All that she wants is another baby
She's gone tomorrow boy
All that she wants is another baby
All that she wants - all that she wants

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  • 开篇新话题,我和他的故事
    我和他在网上认识的, 如今已经交往一段时间了, 我们都有各自的婚姻家庭但都有对家庭生活的不满和无奈吧, 所以我们彼此有很多共同的想法和观点, 我们不定时相约在酒店见面约会, 做爱时很有激情很缠绵, 也不知道这样的关系能维持多久但彼此好像都需要对方, 目前很难割舍下对方.

    他的出现改变了我的生活, 我瘦了10公斤, 比以前显得年轻而有活力了,更向往性爱生活了. 以前跟老公1-2个月做一次. 现在的问题是我们不能经常见面, 所以备受相思之苦, 但好的方面是见面时我们会激情似火,经常会连续做爱好几次的. 不知道这样的感情经历大家是否也遇到过, 我现在也不想那么多了, 就想顺其自然, 遇上了也算是今生的缘分吧.
    • 有人听吗?
      • en
      • 女人跟男人不一样, 对情看得比较重,如果不是他对我那么体贴和关怀我怎样也不会跟他有瓜葛的. 只是我最终没有坚持住最后的防线,所以现在是溃不成军,一发不可收了.
        • en
          • 呵呵,还好有你一个听众,否则我没兴趣再说了. 心里有很多感慨要发呢,这不是私密空间嘛~~
            • 大家肚看呆了!只有PM才是私密的。
              • 哦,原来这样啊.我以为女性私密可以这样讲出来呢. 那PM不是只能自己知道而不是跟大家分享了.
    • 可能有很多人觉得有这种Affair发生是可耻的吧,不用你说我也知道这是不该发生的事,或者丑化为奸情. 不过有些事有些情该发生的总是发生了, 我想如果我们是在正确的时间相遇应该叫爱情,但在错误的时间相遇就只好忍痛割爱了,或者被舆论唾弃为不耻吧.
      • 好奇的问一下,你们什么年龄能一天做好几次?
        • 他40我41
      • 赵四小姐从十六岁开始跟张学良。跟一年,属**;跟三年,算偷情;跟六十年,便成为千古爱情!­ 此事的重要启示:很多事情不看做不做,而看你做多久。­
      • 民国初名妓小凤仙,如果跟了民工,就属于扫黄对象;她跟了蔡锷,则千古留芳了;倘若她跟了孙中山,那便可能成为国母。­ 此事的重要启示:不在于你干什么,而看你跟谁干。
        • 我们好像都没想那么多,就顺其自然吧.
      • Does you hubby know your affair? How can he take such big green hat.
        I just don't understand if both of you are not happy with your current marriage why don't divorce first? Which is fair to both spouse.
        Happy marriage/relationship should be mutual happiness. I am surprised that your "love" story even got so many fans admiring your suscess, asking for experience, ...unbelieveble!
        • 很高兴有不同的声音在这里,也许你很年轻自信满满吧. 我羡慕那些快乐的夫妻,也许他(她)们是幸运的,或者是很智慧的选择了自己的配偶, 而我当年的幼稚让我来饮这杯自酿的苦酒. 人生没有回头路,生活中unbelieveble的事情太多了,好的和坏的并存,权当我的故事是坏的典型吧。
    • 呵呵, 我和你反过来了. 我45,她50.
      • 我想知道50岁的女人性欲还高吗? 我总是跟他说当我们老了时就不见面了, 应该也不想做爱了, 可他说不行, 老了也可以相互拥抱啊!呵呵, 真的分不清是情还是欲啊.
        • 如果你50岁时还象现在那样喜欢对方的身体, 女人的性欲就强, 你不喜欢对方了, 就没有性欲了.
          • 我的感觉是喜欢他的性格,到了我这个年龄的女人,男人最吸引我的地方好像是他的思想和性格吧,当然因情而产生对他身体的欲望也是正常的. 我当初见到他并不喜欢他的外表, 但心灵的交流让我真正爱上他.
            • 和我想的一样, 是soulmate.
        • 有没有可能两人重组家庭,看着你们这么水乳交融很为你们高兴,如果男人只是对性感兴趣,女人是不会跟他长久的。双方都有家庭这样会很辛苦,你们才40,后面路还长呢。
          • 几乎没可能. 婚姻像树的枝蔓牵扯到太多的东西了, 孩子父母亲情财产...如果连根拔会伤害太大了.
            • 唉,那就保护好双方的家庭保护好自己,祝福你们
    • 很好奇,我也想有一段艳遇,能不能介绍一下去哪个网站容易结识异性?
      • 我们是QQ上认识的,但我感觉缘分是可遇不可求的, 在哪里认识都是有可能的吧.
        • 那你爱他吗? 到底是爱是性?
          • 我想爱和性都有吧,刚开始我们很回避爱这个字的,只说我想你. 但后来我发现是真爱上他了,于是我就表白出来了,他说他也爱我. 就象楼上那人说的,如果只是性我不会跟他的,我完全可以用性玩具满足自己的.
            • 要男人能说出爱这个字是很困难的。
              • 是很难的,因为爱是很沉重的一个字. 对于男人说爱不容易的,也许他说的有些勉强吧,因为我真爱上他了,他知道的.
                • I have never found a man who could say "Love" to me. Whether the guy just wants to kiss me or the guy who doesn't have feelings with me at all...
    • 很羡慕你有那么一个伴侣,不像我守着一个貌似不错的婚姻却只能吞噬着夜的黑暗,除了无奈还是无奈!
      • 在没有认识他之前我应该跟你一样吧,现在想来我最好的年华都是在寂寞中度过的.
        • 哪里可以买到合适的玩具?
          • 去这个网站看看:www.stagshop.com 你可以网上购买也可以到附近的店里选。
            • Thank you.
    • 你信命吗?就是人和人的缘分。就是上辈子的事儿。我有时候会想一切都是命中注定的,就不那么纠结了。
      • 也许吧,命中有此一劫, 逃都逃不脱啊.
        • At least you find love. For the guys who ever kissed me, there is no love.
        • 看来冤家也是可遇不可求的:)
    • My All - 喜欢Mariah Carey的这首歌,歌词贴切的表达了我的心声, 柔情也凄婉, 愿与有共鸣的朋友共享吧! +1
      I am thinking of you
      In my sleepless solitude tonight
      If it's wrong to love you
      Then my heart just won't let me be right
      'Cause I've drowned in you
      And I won't pull through
      Without you by my side

      I'd give my all to have
      Just one more night with you
      I'd risk my life to feel
      Your body next to mine
      'Cause I can't go on
      Living in the memory of our song
      I'd give my all for your love tonight

      Baby can you feel me
      Imagining I'm looking in your eyes
      I can see you clearly
      Vividly emblazoned in my mind
      And yet you're so far
      Like a distant star
      I'm wishing on tonight

      I'd give my all to have
      Just one more night with you
      I'd risk my life to feel
      Your body next to mine
      'Cause I can't go on
      Living in the memory of our song
      I'd give my all for your love tonight

      I'd give my all to have
      Just one more night with you
      I'd risk my life to feel
      Your body next to mine
      'Cause I can't go on
      Living in the memory of our song
      I'd give my all for your love tonight
      (I'd) give my all for your love

      • You must like this one
        • 是的! 还有一首Hero我也喜欢,我最无助的时候会听这首歌.
          • 你一定也会喜欢Ace of Base乐队的歌曲尤其是The Sign和All that She Wants。瑞典国家虽小人杰地灵,乃现代音乐三强国之一,Ace of Base确实我的最奈百听不厌!
            "Ace of Base - The Sign"
            Whoah,ah,oh,oh, YEA!
            I,I gotta new life
            You would hardly recognize me I'm so glad
            How could a person like me care for you?
            (Why?)Why do I bother
            When you're not the one for me
            Ooooo, is enough enough?
            I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes
            I saw the sign
            Life is demanding without understanding
            I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes
            I saw the sign
            No one's gonna drag you up to get into the light where you belong...
            But where do you belong?
            Under the clean moon
            For so many years I've wondered who you are
            How could a person like you bring me joy?
            Under the pale moon
            Where I see a lot of stars
            Ooooo Is enough enough
            I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes
            I saw the sign
            Life is demanding without understanding
            I saw the si-ign and it opened up my eyes
            I saw the sign
            No one's gonna drag you up to get into the light where you belong...
            But where do you belong?
            Oh!Oh, oh, oh
            (Larger instrumental break)
            I saw the sign and it opened up my mind!
            And I am happy now living without you
            I've left you, oh-oh-OH!
            I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes I saw the sign
            No one's gonna drag you up to get into the light where you belong
            (I saw the sign - I saw the si-i-ign) I saw the sign!
            (I saw the sign - I saw the si-ig-i-ign)
            (i saw the sign - i saw the si-ign) i saw the sign!
            And it opened up my eyes, I saw the sign! (sign, sign,sign)
            "Ace of Base - All That She Wants"
            She leads a lonely life
            She leads a lonely life
            When she woke up late in the morning light
            And the day had just begun
            She opened up her eyes and thought
            Oh what a morning
            It's not a day for work
            It's a day for catching tan
            Just lying on the beach and having fun
            She's going to get you
            All that she wants is another baby
            She's gone tomorrow boy
            All that she wants is another baby
            All that she wants is another baby
            She's gone tomorrow boy
            All that she wants is another baby
            All that she wants - all that she wants
            So if you are in sight and the day is right
            She's the hunter you're the fox
            The gentle voice that talks to you won't talk forever
            It is a night for passion
            But the morning means goodbye
            Beware of what is flashing in her eyes
            She's going to get you
            All that she wants is another baby
            She's gone tomorrow boy
            All that she wants is another baby
            All that she wants is another baby
            She's gone tomorrow boy
            All that she wants is another baby
            All that she wants is another baby
            She's gone tomorrow boy
            All that she wants is another baby
            All that she wants is another baby
            She's gone tomorrow boy
            All that she wants is another baby
            All that she wants - all that she wants
            • 谢谢!超喜欢第二首"All That She Wants", 听他们的歌我个人的感觉是:快乐和悲怆并存,不管怎样生活都要继续,音乐的节奏感使人振作积极向上。
    • Someone like you - 希望我们的故事应该是这样的结局 +1
      跟楼上的一位朋友私下聊了我们的故事, 很感激他做我的听众, 让我心里的压力得到释放. 我好像也清醒理智些了. 我决定还是跟他结束这种不能见光的关系, 因为我依然相信爱情, 不想亵渎爱情的纯洁和忠诚. 让我们的这段故事深埋在心里吧, 像Adele唱的那样, 我祝福他有份好生活, 而我也会继续我的生活.
      • 很能理解你, 但是也希望你不要委屈自己.
        但愿有一天等时机成熟了, 你最终可以离开现在的婚姻. - 有些枷锁并没有想象地那么沉重. 孩子们, 也终于可以理解因不和而频繁争吵的父母.

        命运很奇妙. 就象我自己,在最终解脱婚姻的那一天,奇迹般地遇到了现在的他.世事真的很难说, 只有心存感激.
        • 不光你解脱了,也让夹在两个大人之间的孩子解脱,而不至于性格变态。
    • 有个网友的来信让我非常感动,特此分享我的心得给大家, 这也是我想告诉所有跟我有同样经历的朋友的真心话.
      我自己认为发生婚外情是不道德的事情, 要是真爱就要冲破阻力和障碍两个人在一起的, 但有位网友回复我说: "看待感情的事情并没有用道德和不道德来衡量,爱上一个人,有的时候不是自己的选择。冲得破阻力就是真爱,是道德的,冲不破了就不道德,是虚伪的爱,那么没有家庭责任的,或者自私一点的人就更容易冲破所有阻力了。" 我觉得他说的话很深刻, 想分享给大家.

      感觉这位网友和他的女友是非常高尚的人,他告诉我说自己一直觉得,对她的感情是始于内心的,不是为了得到对方的身体,而是真正身心的交流才会让自己如此难忘。她心中肯定也独自承受不少苦的。他的女友说,感情不能放纵,需要控制,或许承受这种痛苦,才能让彼此更成熟,更能把握做事的分寸。他们为了孩子放弃了这份爱. 这位网友说: "爱了就爱了,现在我觉得,自己只能控制好自己的感情,但一样会关心她,如果她遇到困难,我会尽力帮助她的."

      虽然我不认识他们, 但我非常敬重他们, 我自己经历了这种感情折磨, 想跟大家分享我的思想, 爱就爱了, 如果是真爱,今生不能成为夫妻那就做最好的朋友吧, 真正的红(蓝)颜知己。