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Some tips in writing cases

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I didn't get perfect or anything, but I am above the 80% mark for each written assignments so far.
However, I didn't spend a lot of time on writing them (just 3-4 pages doubled spaced, around 2-3 hours)
Here are some tips I received from my instructor for case writing:
1) Do not try to cover everything and hoping for something to stick. Just use the tools taught in the course that are relevant to the case. Some times your marker will get overwhelmed for massive writing that are not case related.
2) Pretend you play a role in the case. Imagine you were hired to solve problems not to present your boss with more problems and way too many solutions. Therefore, emphasize your work on problem solving.
3) Try to argue one way, and emphasize on it. Do not argue the opposite way when making recommendations.
4) Risk management = implementation phase. How to minimize risks when implementing your recommendation. I have always received an Excellent comment from marker for this portion of the assignment.
5) Try to come up with a plan B if your plan A fails. I lost a few marks on this part because I wasn't interested in writing up a plan B.

The first case was a bit challenging mainly because it doesn't have a particular target to write about. Therefore, I emphasized on businesses in general, not a single corporation.
You should seek the advice of your instructor and ask for ways to improve your case writing skills. Without reading your works, I am unable to provide any specific feed backs.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 求 分享 MS2 Assignment.
    这个学期我选学了MS2. 哪知作业这么难。 两次作业下来,都是40多分。 求哪位好心的,上过MS2的,能不能把以前的作业分享一下,本人不胜感激。 邮箱: erindeng@hotmail.com
    • 是,好难啊。
    • Same here.First one got 47/80. I was in shock. Then I started to study solutions from past exams. Second one was much better. Bear in mind that these are the exact types of exam questions, we have to nail them. So keep on working buddy, you are not alone
      • exam style changed?
        My first mark is 46/80, second mark is 49/80. It looks the past exams are not same as our assignments. For question 3 part V, they are totally different. Is the exam style going to be changed?
        • 只有risk这个部分不同把,其他都一样啊
          • Thank you.
      • Some tips in writing cases
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I didn't get perfect or anything, but I am above the 80% mark for each written assignments so far.
        However, I didn't spend a lot of time on writing them (just 3-4 pages doubled spaced, around 2-3 hours)
        Here are some tips I received from my instructor for case writing:
        1) Do not try to cover everything and hoping for something to stick. Just use the tools taught in the course that are relevant to the case. Some times your marker will get overwhelmed for massive writing that are not case related.
        2) Pretend you play a role in the case. Imagine you were hired to solve problems not to present your boss with more problems and way too many solutions. Therefore, emphasize your work on problem solving.
        3) Try to argue one way, and emphasize on it. Do not argue the opposite way when making recommendations.
        4) Risk management = implementation phase. How to minimize risks when implementing your recommendation. I have always received an Excellent comment from marker for this portion of the assignment.
        5) Try to come up with a plan B if your plan A fails. I lost a few marks on this part because I wasn't interested in writing up a plan B.

        The first case was a bit challenging mainly because it doesn't have a particular target to write about. Therefore, I emphasized on businesses in general, not a single corporation.
        You should seek the advice of your instructor and ask for ways to improve your case writing skills. Without reading your works, I am unable to provide any specific feed backs.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 你的文章条理很清楚,前后一致,写作水平也很高,难怪会得高分,我觉得很大的问题是个writing skill的问题,在这方面我的问题很大,总觉得表达不出我想要说出来的点!
          • Thank you.
      • Thank you.
    • 我觉得最好不要先看其它人的答案,你有答案了,学习上容易放松,反而害了你,因为考试是要你亲自去考。CGA第5级的课难度会提高一点,一开始不知道怎么答,分低点是很正常的,多花点时间,成绩会上去的。
      • You are correct. Looking at past exam solutions is futile. However, it is a good source for learning the format of case writing. Just learn the format, and do your things.
    • I have replied your email. See if you need anything. I am currently working on assignment 3.
      • Thank you.
        I did not receive your email. Could you please resend to erindeng@hotmail.com?
      • Hi Dota, I did not receive your email. Could you please resend to erindeng@hotmail.com?
        • I meant PM'ed you.
          • I got it. Thank you.
      • Could you please send one copy to me as well? I really need it. Thank you. junqing.fang@yahoo.ca
    • 我记得MS2就是写case呀,基本套路就是executive,summary,body,conclusion搭框架。先把想法都列出来,然后在这个框架里添。MS2作业和考试套路和PA1&2很象,一定要习惯这个模式,多练习写case,否则以后PA更辛苦,因为PA的topic涵盖面比MS2宽得多。
      • 谢谢! 我写作不好,感觉好费劲。
        • 因为之前考的都是计算和记忆,但现在改考写作。没事,学到最后,大多数同学写的都是一个模子出来,调调都跟八股文一样的,分不出来是A写的还是B写的。
          • 我一直觉得写英语文章就是八股文,主题,然后摆事实讲道理。
        • 没事,我写作也不好,写起来很费劲。教材里应该有本关于如何写case的材料,好好看看。