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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!

Real Estate is hot rite now in Toronto, so ya, if i were you, i would do these things...

1)bribe your boss (or ur potential reference) and make sure you put ur current title as "junior real estate/ property accountant", you are in a pretty good industry and there are lots property accountant jobs pays 40k to 55K for junior to intermediate level. And move to corporate accountant once you get your CGA?

2)if you have a change, read your company's F/S, not just the numbers but more importantly the notes to F/S.(i did that and learned a lot.)

3) get the book called "Excel for Accountant" and work on your excel skills: loolk-ups, macros, pivit tables

4)study the GAAP and IFRS sections for your industry. Like you said you are learning anything, well, now you have something to learn haha.For example, http://www.pwc.com/ca/en/ifrs/real-estate.jhtml

5) do research about the industry and business cycle, prepare to market yourself as an industry expert.... for example: commercial rent, residential rent.....and the profit margin for these.....
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 请大家帮我分析分析,到底要不要辞职??
    目前在家小小房产出租公司,除了我,上面俩老板。工作内容是简单的帐务处理(excel)加大量的杂事,难受的是老板很难相处,考虑到是第一份工作,忍气吞声干了半年了,现在很想辞掉全职读CGA level4 的课程,但是又有些担心将来工作经验不够不好找其他工作。很想听听大家的建议。先谢谢了!
    • start looking for another job after u have 1 years of exp on ur resume....
      • 谢谢你的建议。我也是担心工作不好找下不了决心。我的老板很苛刻,给你1小时的钱(最低工资)恨不得你干2小时的活,我经常免费加班。即便这样,如果这样能学点东西也行,可是我觉得在这里大部分时间都是干杂事情,所以才想到辞职。
        • .

          • 谢谢你的理解。
            我老板总是在整点点差几分种的时候叫我下班,可是如果不是整点她不允许计入工作时间(part itme 的工作)。我也和她提过,可她说我做事情慢。因为我刚去的时候没有交接,更没有培训,全靠自己看以前的资料琢磨,又担心出错,所以是有些慢。自己也没有再坚持。现在我已经没有这样了,也不想为了保住工作太委屈自己了。
        • well, make sure you have someone as your reference,
          if your reference is your boss, then there is nothing you can do. There should be things you can learn, since you are in the real estate industry,maybe learn more about the business cycle as wellas GAAP for real estate and learn from your company's F/S?
          • 再次谢谢你。你的建议对我很有启发。
            • Real Estate is hot rite now in Toronto, so ya, if i were you, i would do these things...
              1)bribe your boss (or ur potential reference) and make sure you put ur current title as "junior real estate/ property accountant", you are in a pretty good industry and there are lots property accountant jobs pays 40k to 55K for junior to intermediate level. And move to corporate accountant once you get your CGA?

              2)if you have a change, read your company's F/S, not just the numbers but more importantly the notes to F/S.(i did that and learned a lot.)

              3) get the book called "Excel for Accountant" and work on your excel skills: loolk-ups, macros, pivit tables

              4)study the GAAP and IFRS sections for your industry. Like you said you are learning anything, well, now you have something to learn haha.For example, http://www.pwc.com/ca/en/ifrs/real-estate.jhtml

              5) do research about the industry and business cycle, prepare to market yourself as an industry expert.... for example: commercial rent, residential rent.....and the profit margin for these.....
              • These suggestations are really really helpful, thanks a lot!
    • 你现在是学徒阶段,多学,忍耐是为了将来的资本。multi-tasking skill在你简历也会增分。多看点正面东西,初级阶段别跟周围人比较工资。想想2月份的linsanity , 从板凳到现在主力。
      • 这才是正解.
      • 我其实不太在乎工资低,真的,只是这份工作太压抑了,又觉得学不到很多东西,才想离开的。 Anyway,我准备听从大家的建议,争取将公司的现有的资料研究透了再离开。
        • 我是做房地产,如果我能帮助你的话,PM我。别灰心。
          • PMed, Thanks!
    • 做好学习积累的准备也要找个好的地方,向高水平的专业人学。先不说钱,你大部分时间都是做admin方面的杂事,能学到的会计方面应该很有限吧。抓紧找下家才好。