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在公司里啥都是Project,short term你可以看看能不能混入highly visible project. 例如上新系统,加个module 或system conversion, IFRS convesion 等。


1)你可以认识公司其他department的人,set up internal network;

2)一般这种project 都会有外来的consultant,你可以跟他们学,以后跳槽时简历就可以突出强调这些project;

3) 最重要的,如果你能一举建立key player的reputation,公司内部就有江湖地位,钱自然就follow你了。

4) 以后系统上马之后,你就是SME,大拿了

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  • 这里有CGA完成开始想读MBA的姐妹吗?正在考虑是否应该考个MBA,是不是未来工资能挣的更高啊?有什么建议吗?虽然已经很不想继续读书了,但看看还有大把未来,想想是不是还是应该继续前进呢?
    • There are Management & Technical career growth tracks. Which one do you want to stay on after you have MBA? Both could make good amount of money per se.
      • I think even technical career path, CGA seemed not enough now. I heard the average salary even for CA is so low these years due to the poor economy. I don't want to go for management path.
        • Then MBA is not for you. MBA is for someone wanted to persue managerial path or switch job. You need to be a SME (subject matter expert). It is not uncommon for SME to make more money than his/her managers.
        • .
          在公司里啥都是Project,short term你可以看看能不能混入highly visible project. 例如上新系统,加个module 或system conversion, IFRS convesion 等。


          1)你可以认识公司其他department的人,set up internal network;

          2)一般这种project 都会有外来的consultant,你可以跟他们学,以后跳槽时简历就可以突出强调这些project;

          3) 最重要的,如果你能一举建立key player的reputation,公司内部就有江湖地位,钱自然就follow你了。

          4) 以后系统上马之后,你就是SME,大拿了

    • 你不想歇歇吗?我觉得有了CGA,可以考虑换工作。马上读MBA没必要,经验,TITLE比MBA学位重要。千万别光读书了。
      • 想歇呀,本来真不想再读书了,好苦,但是如果MBA能大幅度增加未来收入,觉得苦几年可能也值得。所以还没想好,不知道MBA是否能增加竞争力,能增加多少。
        • 如果没有工作经验光有学历证书的话,mba不会给你加分。先找到manager的工作再考虑是否需要。那么贵的学费,还不如找公司报销呢。
          • 确实需要问问公司是否能报销,绝对不花自己的钱去读书。CGA所有费用都是公司的,真不心疼呀,啥书都买。就是自己要花时间,这时间也挺让自己心疼的。好容易读完CGA,真的挺苦的。
        • "MBA能大幅度增加未来收入", 可能性不大.
        • 如果真想,争取边工作,边PART-TIME上,公司报销学费。不过,没业余时间了。
          • 是啊,没有业余时间了,这是关键。
    • 趁年轻把该拿的都拿了,以后就轻松了,优势也会慢慢体现出来。
      • 说实话我没有太觉得读书对工作有什么特别大的用处,基本上学的能用到工作中的真的不多。但有时证书真的是一个敲门砖,有和没有区别还是挺大的。我觉得MBA对混进TOP公司当高级白领可能还是有用吧。似乎CGA不是很够。不过没有到市场上找工,真的没概念。
        • 读书是培养眼光和能力。花几年读个MBA以后受用几十年,这买卖划算哈。
          • 再听听看,你说MBA的学校有多重要?一个是CGA有联系的学校,不需要GMAT,修课少,要不重新个好的MBA,在找工时有多大区别?
            • somebody said 5 more courses.
          • 此话不假,但是没有管理经验确拿了一个MBA不觉得有点纸上谈兵的意思么,无意冒犯。
    • 如果时间精力都允许的话,为何不去读呢。读书可以让自己保持在一种向上的状态。等我工作稳定了,我也考虑读MBA的。
      • 读书总是辛苦的。那种压力,挺催人老。有时觉得女人干嘛要把自己弄的那么辛苦。但又好强,希望自己能赚的越多越好。
        • 你要赚那么多干吗?CGA考完,至少给自己1个BREAK,单身的赶快结婚,没孩子的生孩子去,有孩子的多花时间在孩子身上,比你自己没完没了读书有用。我实在看不出你马上读MBA的必要,书读多了,人变傻了,真想读再过几年再说。
          • agree!
          • 对极了,人的生活不能只focus一样。
          • 在现在的公司挺空,可以上班看书,然后一次跳,否则跳了新公司就没时间了。所以纠结。
            • up
    • 我也有打算读个EMBA,大家觉得对将来发展有帮助吗?
    • 看看好的MBA像ivy,schulic,rotman花费都很厉害还要同时工作觉得没做到中层以上完全没必要,一是没有这个需要二是公司是给你涨工资还是报销学费?
    • 不过话说回来,几年前英国和加拿大有一个学术研究表明MBA可以帮助女性逾越glass ceiling的障碍。有MBA的年轻女性比没有的更加容易进入中高层但是高层依然还是Boys club。
    • 我打算今年底开始学,Laurentian MbA如果能申请上。
      • How to apply? What is the qualification? How much for each course? Thanks and good luck.
        • Apply through CGA. 3000 per course
          • wow, so expensive?
    • 闲着没事的,实在爱读书的,公司报销学费的,想建立alumni network的(online除外),那就去读吧。不过想读出来就能大幅度增加收入(如果继续从事会计工作),马上进入管理层的,两个字:"没戏"。
      • Honestly, large companies, banks, government traditionally value MBA and do have a tuition reimbursement program. However, normally you need to be in the company in order to get the benefit and/or better off graduate from a top MBA program
        • 你说的是TOP MBA PART-TIME读至少3年,很辛苦。
          • You can also have a full time MBA and it is weekend immersion or night program. My client is doing EMBA at Whaton and he is doing it every weekend.
            Another thought you have to consider is that some part-time MBA won't allow you to do the on-campus recruiting events, which is the best part of the MBA program...
            • EMBA,学费得10-15万吧。在这里公司估计也只有E level的管理层才会享受这个待遇。
              • He is a russian Jew. I don't know how much wharton Emba costs, but I know the company pays smalll portion and he covers the rest himself. Back to good old days, lot of large financial institution here pays 80%-100% MBA tuiton.
    • 我认识的,一个IVY的, 一个SCHULIC的,光有学历,一年多还没找到工作
      • 本人是MBA,目前正在找工作中,感觉加拿大的雇主更看重工作经验,而非一张MBA证书。但是,感觉MBA FULL TIME对个人综合素质还是有很大提升的。
        我认识的,CGA背景的人,MBA毕业以后,是去银行做FINACIAL ANALYST。不过薪水不高,好像是6万?
        • 你哪个学校毕业的?想了解一下,值不值得去读个MBA。
    • My MBA added a lot of value for me: I studied hard and got very good marks; I built good reputation in my teams and helped my classmates when they had questions. Before I graduated, my classmate had found me job opps
      and I got resume and interview skills help from a few classmates. I was hired as the top candidate with good salary-double as my pre-MBA.

      Depends on how you want to do your MBA.
      • .
        当年我很想去chicago booth,所以经常去老外的MBA论坛,很多老外都是定位非常准确,进入program的第一天就为毕业找工作开始准备。

        其实好的MBA出来做SFA都可惜了,钱途来讲,不做IB就做consulting,其他行业on average要差很多。

        所以老外只上top 20MBA,不然性价比不是很高
        • Rotman is only 44. it seems if we have to go to US or UK to get in the top 20 schools. Sad.
          • If you want to land at corporate finance job as CMAing did, Rotman is more than enough. Also your pre-MBA background will weigh in a lot for your post-MBA job.
            • CMAing is not a successful example:-) She only positions herself as a balanced person between the career and family, not a money machine. Otherwise, she will head directly to the Top 20:-)
      • I still remember I did all the team assignments for one of my classmates when we were in the same team-he was a director and very busy. Now he still owes me 50 coffees because of this:-) But I never asked any of my classmates to help me find a job.
        • free ride is not professional at all, regardless what kind of excuse/resaon he had...
          • Tell me this...if your director's wife is in the hospital for labour and he asked you to cover his ass, would you say "man, don't take my free ride. It's your business."?
            • "he is a director and always busy" is a completely different story to "his wife goann labour in the hospital"
              and, I believe labour is a big moment but it is not necessary to be a tough job taking longer than 48 hours for a man... Is it a convencing reason to "FREE RIDE"?
              everybody gets family and career issues and he's definetly not the only busy man in this world, shame on him!
              Sorry, I am not saying anything wrong on your help. I just have zero tolrance to those free riders...
              • :-) I took a different view-I learnt a lot by doing tasks for him. I didn't mean to please him in any way but just wanted the team to get a good mark. I was not a hard task for me.
        • Based on what you said, i am 100% sure you are not from Rotman.
          Rotman MBA are very aggressive. Usually nobody will help others' assignments. If you don't know how to do it or no time to do it, figure it out yourself. Schulic is quite like what you said, more helpful!
          • I am mot from Rotman. Didn't take its offer. If the assignments were assigned to the group, the professor really didn't care how the group designate it. Unless you wanted to bring up the peer evaluation rule.
            I don't think it would be an ethical issue because it didn't offend the guidance. It was all about how your team wanted to do it. I used to do one assignment for 8 people right before the due date, do you believe it or not. If you didn't stand up to correct the errors other people made, you most likely would end up with a fail mark not an A. Considering some people won't let you know until the last minute that he/she screwed, you have to be the life saver sometimes. And this is to show your risk mitigation skills. None of you MBA classmates is fool. They will see and appreciate what you did to benefit the team. But be careful to communicate effectively to people your intention, your approach and the results in a good way without being arrogant.
            • I don't have any intention to judge your behaviour. What you did is totally fine and I certainly understand as a MBAer. My point is just to show how different of two schools' styles.
              • It would be fine even if you judged me:-) We will see more details in the discussion. I am not from York either. I always do things beyond the traditional model including choosing MBA school.
                Rank of MBA school might be very important for the first job seeking. But real ability and experience weight more.
            • you must be VERY GOOD at writing essays. can you share your experiences on how to improve english writing?? i know there are a lot of writing when taking MBA. Thanks.
              • The structure, the main points/soul and the wording are important. One of my friends uses very simple but concise lauguage to write which always won A+. Reading his essay is a joyful thing. I used to print them out and recite.
                I still can't write as good as he does but I am improving each day. I use him a lot as my dictionary to understand the story behind the lauguage.

                So, get yourself a dictionary!:-)
                • thanks for sharing. I think sometimes we need to recite some good articles, and we will become more comfortable using a "stolen" structure.:)) Thanks and have a great weekend!