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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!

I think common practice is to check references once a job offer has been made pending references. But there are some recruiting agents who will pre-check references before they represent you for a job,

one of the reasons they will put up to convince candidates is that they can use good references to better sell you, and giving you a better chance of getting the job, blah blah….

Be explicit, and ask if they have a suitable job for you at this time. If they don’t, then there is no point of wasting your time unless you’d like to have a chance to practice your interview skills. If you’re not comfortable with giving your references before you have a job interview / job offer then simply tell them you don’t feel there is a need to have your reference checked at this stage.

Personally, I think it is completed unreasonable for the agent to ask for reference from your current employer before even getting the job. The last thing you’d want is your current employer knowing that you’re looking for other opportunities.

Good luck tomorrow! :)
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  • 上个星期发了个简历给agent, 申请一个他们post在CGA 网站上的职位, 今天得到agent 的电话说是要面谈一下, 但没有提那个职位, 还让我准备好reference,所以我不知到是否应该给他们 reference , 我实在不像惊动我现在的老板(如果八字还没一撇)
    • 有合适的职位,面试后八字有了一撇再给,而且最好不要给现在老板的。
      • 谢谢!那怎么给他们说呢?就说“除非我得到了正式的employer 面试, 我再给你们我的 reference” (感觉有点威胁人) ----他们要的是现任老板的reference。 我的前任老板退休了—倒是可以给他们这个, 要是他们不在意。 :)
        • I think common practice is to check references once a job offer has been made pending references. But there are some recruiting agents who will pre-check references before they represent you for a job,
          one of the reasons they will put up to convince candidates is that they can use good references to better sell you, and giving you a better chance of getting the job, blah blah….

          Be explicit, and ask if they have a suitable job for you at this time. If they don’t, then there is no point of wasting your time unless you’d like to have a chance to practice your interview skills. If you’re not comfortable with giving your references before you have a job interview / job offer then simply tell them you don’t feel there is a need to have your reference checked at this stage.

          Personally, I think it is completed unreasonable for the agent to ask for reference from your current employer before even getting the job. The last thing you’d want is your current employer knowing that you’re looking for other opportunities.

          Good luck tomorrow! :)
          • Joyce, thank you for your reply! i will keep your and Readingbook's words in mind.
        • Make sure you understand what they asked.
          I came across a time that the agent was just asking for a reference contact list, not meaning to make phone calls before hand. If that's the case, it's okay to feed them provided they are from a well-known firm.
          • yeah. I need to make sure that they won't contact my current boss before everything is certain. I was wondering if Pro Count is a good staffing company or not.
    • 很可能是让你登记,暂时没工作。如果你非常忙,就直接问AGENT, 有没有工作? 要是有工作,ask agent to send you job description including compensation..没给OFFER之前,不能给现在公司REFERENCE。
      AGENT就是个SALES,不存在威胁。把你卖出去是AGENT 的核心
      • 记住了! 你说的这个很有可能!明天面试时, 我就直接问他, 没工作就别bother 我。 hehe!!
    • 不知道这个agent是谁,如果是robert half,我建议你还是不要去浪费时间了。
      • pro count.
        • 那就随便聊聊吧,中介有时候真能忽悠人。good luck!
          • 所以一向不喜欢猎头,浪费别人时间
        • 曾经去过pro count没要求现任的reference啊,不过最后俺也不是他们的菜。:P
      • is robert half bad? I have a interview with them monday....
        • I also sent a resume to Robert half for a job they posted on CGA, but i haven't heard back from them.
        • 我个人很不喜欢,周围也有相同感觉的朋友。有时间还是focus在直接雇主的招聘广告上吧,cga网站上post的,都不错的。
      • 是不是现在agents掌握了85% 的工作? 我刚开始考虑换工作。
        • 不知道比例,我的感觉中介如果觉得你是他们要的人,他们会盯着你尽量满足你的要求。我上份工作是500 staffing介绍的,简历工资福利都是他们和雇主帮我谈的。
    • 我个人的经历/建议是 only provide reference once contigent offer is received (offer is only contigent on the satisfaction of reference check). 至于要不要用现在的老板,关键还是看你和老板平日的工作关系。
    • 肉联朋友那么多的答复都正确,我再补充一条:猎头一上来就问你要reference的还有一种可能,他是新人,要开发新客户,reference上你雇主上司的名字头衔电话号码才是他的兴趣点
      • 严重同意.我也感觉是这样的.凭我的经验,他们很可能是想开发市场.我也很反感一开始就要reference的中介.感觉很不好.