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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

I do not think so

Mining is a notoriously cyclical industry and good mining companies always maintain strong balance sheet to defend themselves because it is hard to predict when bad times come. They also follow the same strategy to hire people: they keep their own workforce slim while attract and retain valuable employees by providing much better than market compensation. They hire contractors to do projects and even design, build and operate a mine. When bad times come, they always let contractors go first and keep their employees, in particular salaried employees, as possible. Maybe I am wrong-the mining industry is still in the midst of the largest mining super cycle never seen and I only experienced a very short period of down times (the second haft of 2008 and first half of 2009), when my company laid off almost all of contractors immediately while tried to keep all of its employees.
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  • Lannick - 2012 Finance & Accounting Salaries Guide
    • Lanick应该给老板们都发发,看看咱们在市场上能值多少钱,呵呵
      • 其它的偶不comment,就treasurer这职位的工资survey给偶老板看到还不把金牙都笑掉喽。:)
        • Agree. In my company, FA's base salary more than double the mean. Senior accountants make 90K plus 20% bonus as far as I know.
          • 可否请您指点一下是哪一个行业,何种类型公司呢?Many thanks.
            • 楼上是挖金矿的。:)
              • Seriously, you mean mining industry? Wow. Their compensation is more than awesome.
                My company can be categorized into telecom. Generally speaking, the Toronto Finance team's pay level agrees with the survey.
                • yep, if my memory serves me correctly, he/she works in the mining industry....
                  挖金矿的金子多啊,manager级别如果低于$130- $140K base人家估计都不好意思给出手。呵呵。
                  • 偶以前公司的上司,只是一个senior manager的title,拿近$180k,公司快关门前,找了好久工作,原来以为他要等package,不想还是在关门前跳了,去了mining公司,估计是别的都不能满足工资要求才等那么久。
                    • 你以前的上司不是一直都是CFO吗?:)
                      八一下,$180K是base还是all-in? 所以啊,title有时候真代表不了什么,还得看具体职责和在部门的地位和重要性。

                      • 你以为本宫是从石头里蹦出来的狲猴子?本宫也有成长过程地。

                        • 不吃饭木用地,学学人家jinx班长,穿不上的衣服也得买回家,理由是每天可以看着,看着看着就有动力瘦身啦。:)
                          • 那件衣服我穿不上了(翻白眼中...)
                        • 锻炼后请观赏:舌尖上的中国
                    • 好象MINING公司斗争史也蛮复杂的也,特别是JUNIOR MINING,是吗?
                      • 斗争那里都有,逃不掉的。想法enjoy吧。
                        • 头疼啊,有什么高招吗
                      • 好象MINING公司,起伏都很大,特别是一些稀有金属类.
                        • 是啊,所以觉得那工作有点象合同工。
                          • I do not think so
                            Mining is a notoriously cyclical industry and good mining companies always maintain strong balance sheet to defend themselves because it is hard to predict when bad times come. They also follow the same strategy to hire people: they keep their own workforce slim while attract and retain valuable employees by providing much better than market compensation. They hire contractors to do projects and even design, build and operate a mine. When bad times come, they always let contractors go first and keep their employees, in particular salaried employees, as possible. Maybe I am wrong-the mining industry is still in the midst of the largest mining super cycle never seen and I only experienced a very short period of down times (the second haft of 2008 and first half of 2009), when my company laid off almost all of contractors immediately while tried to keep all of its employees.
    • 请教大家,FA 和 Senior Accountant,哪个职位高些,pay 的高些呢。我以前的公司是 FA 高些,和这里的统计恰好相反。现在的公司,AP/AR 上面就是 FA,pay 的也不止这些。是不是这两个职位,完全取决于不同公司的机构设置呢?
    • I think most employers have the intention to report lower than actual numbers and then when survey numbers come, they could say” see, we feed you much better the market, don’t ask more”.
      • Sorry-
        I read the report again and it looks like the data collected from candidates who were looking for new jobs. So the explanation why the numbers look lower is that people who got paid well were not looking for new jobs and those not happy with their salaries were looking for new jobs and participating the survey.