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Fantastic thoughts and experience! Bravo! Adding a few thoughts based on what Joyce has mentioned :

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. The art of being concise lies in thinking bottom up but speaking top-down.

People commonly gather and reason through great many details, then arrive at a conclusion. This is the thinking process. When you present before an SM, learn to speak your conclusion first, then if necesesary, support/defend with mid-level or bottom-level details depending on how detail-oriented your SM is. That is a top-down approach. It is a miraculous training towards an exectuive quality.

2. Stop saying, " I am sorry to bother you..." (SM would laugh in his mind and say silently, "Then don't!"), but simply say, "Do you have a moment to..." or " Can I have 15 minutes of your time to...". You are only subordinate to your SM structurally at work, but otherwise you are equal. Our Chinese modesty does not help us but only spoil certain SM boosting unecessary ego of theirs.

3. Stand on SM's plane and you will learn more. Supply your SM with a ground view of the forest, but start and end the conversation with his helicopter view. After all, your work is to facilitate his needs of information and ideas AT HIS LEVEL, not yours. Take this opportunity to train yourself to look at things using his perspetive and you will be a SM someday.

4. About delivery time. Allow me to slightly disagree with Joyce's suggestion. Those who make it to the corner office can artfully master the skill of "Under promise but over deliver". Borrow the wisdom of the famous monkey keeper. Instead of giving the monkeys 3 chestnuts in the morning and 4 in the afternoon, he managed the monkey's expectation by proposing 4 in the morning and 3 in the afternoon. Nothing in total change, but he effectively managed the monkeys' expectation and created artificial satisfaction in them. As to when exactly you should deliver your work, each case can be different. Some SM can be so easily spoiled and you need to carefully manage their expectation.

5. It may also be a good thing to do to do a one-minutes wrap-up at the end. Rephrase what you have discussed, what has been agreed upon, what to follow-up, when to meet next and what to achieve at next meeting. This reaffirm the SM of your understanding and is a good habbit to practice. If you need to complete the work leverage other staff's efforts, make sure you use your SM to make an annoucement.

6. I toally agree with Joyce on the last point. SM is a human being too. Be a bit away from our traditional Chinese chef-sub relationship and habit of showing excessive respect. Work is work. Go into his/her office knowing you are on a equal playing field workwise. Avoid being overly courteous. The real courtesy lies in understanding SM's needs, perspetive and urgency and work smartly (esp. know what is important to do, what is not, form his/her perspective) to support them.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 向senior management汇报时需要注意的几点(分享一些个人心得)。欢迎大家讨论和补充。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛最近一段时间和新上任的CEO接触的比较多。这位牛人经常是让他的EA一个电话就呼唤偶去他办公室布置任务。个人觉得在向senior management (SM)汇报的时候得注意的几点:

    1.SM日理万机,不会闲的没事让你去他办公室坐坐聊几句。所以EA的电话一到"do you have a minute to join the CEO?"偶就得识趣的带上纸笔(重点:带上纸笔)去面见牛人。第一次空着手去了,结果牛人把他的笔借给了偶(那只笔出奇的重,偶用它写的字就像蜗牛爬,窘。。。)

    2. SM布置任务时候做的笔记得越简要越好,尽量用short form和符号(比如上下箭头代表增加或减少)。因为通常牛人们是没有耐心等你慢慢记录的。必需得清楚明白SM布置的任务,指示不明确的地方得立即当面问清楚,千万别没明白装明白,出了门事后琢磨不明白再回去问只会让自己更丢人。

    3.SM布置的任务当然是top priority,虽然出于礼貌他们会给一个比较flexible的timeline,但是其实心里想的是ASAP。(比如周五下午布置的任务,SM说"early next week is fine",那就得尽量在周一早上给完成了。要是等到EA打电话来假装客气的提醒一下那可就晚啦。)

    4.完成的过程中,仔细琢磨琢磨SM布置这个任务的目的.比如数据分析或scenario analysis,他们希望从这些分析中得到什么信息。最后的final report (or summary)得简洁明了,而又包括所有的重点。(尤其记得字体不能太小,如果summary上信息太多,密密麻麻,字体小的得用放大镜看,说明too much details, need to be cut off ) Detailed backup不用present,但得带上,如果SM在细节上有任何问题,可以马上找到答案。

    5. final report得当面present给SM,不要想email了事。和EA约时间然后当面向SM present.事先准备好一份final report/summary给SM,自己带上一份summary + 所有的backup.

    6.最后就是任何时候保持自信。 SM也是人,谁怕谁啊。呵呵。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 赞!Joyce写的内容很好。
      • 谢顶帖。有时间也写写你的经历吧,怎么从小土豆变成了现在的hot potato :)
    • 说的真好,我觉得第四点说的尤其到位
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛这不但是给executive或者是board汇报的时候要简要,就是finance与其他部门老大沟通的时候也是要简要的。
      我之前的一份工作:每个星期我的Banner都要给一个投行的小鬼(我们的老板是PE :-()汇报上个星期的业绩。星期一一天我的Accountant把资料和报表准备好,我就开始抓耳挠腮的写总结了。经过一、两个月,终于摸清了小鬼的思路(这其中栽了很多跟头。。。。):
      - 总最简单最直接的“动词”+“数字”把他要关注的问题描述出来
      - 要善于用bullet point形式。(老板没有时间看essay)
      - 如果要发电邮的话:多用短句;多换行;有数字的时候,永远数字开始,然后加解释。。。这一切的目的就是让老板能在他的BB(现在恐怕是iPhone了)上只是上下scroll就能看完和看懂你的report
      - 再赶,也要再读一遍,然后在发出去,有拼写的错误就不好了,要是有数字的错误就更难堪了(正好给了别人开玩笑的机会- CA stands for Cannot Add :-( )
      - 如Joyce在之后说的一样,准备被别人询问(回答不好就变成质问)。要点是:assumption, how much, what do you think,如果被问what do you recommend,那么就恭喜你,你的report被接受了。

      咱们古语有云,好马长在腿上,好人长在嘴上。会计人员的真正挑战不在于算对数,而是在于在正确的时候准确的表达出一个恰当的故事更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 说的好!多谢分享!
    • 顶。这就是差距呀。写的好!
      • 差距是挺大的,偶这是天天梦想着能混进你那公司却木有资格,只能偷偷的羡慕ing。。。
        • 俺也是合同,这不也开始找工作了。请各位大虾帮忙留意。
    • 大家都说好,我就受累给你个精华,以后自己加啊,不要什么都等着我。
      • 你有见过给自个加精的吗?
    • 顶班长。小加一条:prep for possible questions;expect the expected。
    • 学习了,谢谢分享。另外问:EA 是什么?
      • 我的第一感觉是FIFA的足球游戏^_^
      • Executive Assistant? I guess
        • 你蒙对啦!:)
    • 太同意第3点了,当时就被这种flexible的timeliness给迷惑了,后来只要是SM的,就马上做。
      • 缩写别乱用。。。
    • Fantastic thoughts and experience! Bravo! Adding a few thoughts based on what Joyce has mentioned :
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. The art of being concise lies in thinking bottom up but speaking top-down.

      People commonly gather and reason through great many details, then arrive at a conclusion. This is the thinking process. When you present before an SM, learn to speak your conclusion first, then if necesesary, support/defend with mid-level or bottom-level details depending on how detail-oriented your SM is. That is a top-down approach. It is a miraculous training towards an exectuive quality.

      2. Stop saying, " I am sorry to bother you..." (SM would laugh in his mind and say silently, "Then don't!"), but simply say, "Do you have a moment to..." or " Can I have 15 minutes of your time to...". You are only subordinate to your SM structurally at work, but otherwise you are equal. Our Chinese modesty does not help us but only spoil certain SM boosting unecessary ego of theirs.

      3. Stand on SM's plane and you will learn more. Supply your SM with a ground view of the forest, but start and end the conversation with his helicopter view. After all, your work is to facilitate his needs of information and ideas AT HIS LEVEL, not yours. Take this opportunity to train yourself to look at things using his perspetive and you will be a SM someday.

      4. About delivery time. Allow me to slightly disagree with Joyce's suggestion. Those who make it to the corner office can artfully master the skill of "Under promise but over deliver". Borrow the wisdom of the famous monkey keeper. Instead of giving the monkeys 3 chestnuts in the morning and 4 in the afternoon, he managed the monkey's expectation by proposing 4 in the morning and 3 in the afternoon. Nothing in total change, but he effectively managed the monkeys' expectation and created artificial satisfaction in them. As to when exactly you should deliver your work, each case can be different. Some SM can be so easily spoiled and you need to carefully manage their expectation.

      5. It may also be a good thing to do to do a one-minutes wrap-up at the end. Rephrase what you have discussed, what has been agreed upon, what to follow-up, when to meet next and what to achieve at next meeting. This reaffirm the SM of your understanding and is a good habbit to practice. If you need to complete the work leverage other staff's efforts, make sure you use your SM to make an annoucement.

      6. I toally agree with Joyce on the last point. SM is a human being too. Be a bit away from our traditional Chinese chef-sub relationship and habit of showing excessive respect. Work is work. Go into his/her office knowing you are on a equal playing field workwise. Avoid being overly courteous. The real courtesy lies in understanding SM's needs, perspetive and urgency and work smartly (esp. know what is important to do, what is not, form his/her perspective) to support them.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Great points and superb writing skills! :)
        Just to clarify my comments on the delivery time. If an unreasonable timeline is given by SM (unless there is absolute urgency), in the light of our existing commitements or workload. We have to clearly explain to the SM that the requested timeline is unachievable and an extension would be appreciated. Don't just take unreasonable timeline that's being placed upon us, and working through lunch breaks and long hours to meet the deadline.

        But on the other hand, if a reasonable timeline is assigned, and there is no other commitment that has greater priority, then I don't see any benefit of not having the request completed ASAP.