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I ask all accoutning pros to extend some encouragement to a newly designated CGA. Professional courtesy is a key quality in being a professional accountant.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Mimi is obviously raising a very valuable point for our discssion and sharing.

She cited her own personal experience honestly and modestly, clarified most questions/dount from people in this forum. She is making a very brave effort in pushing the discussion forward in a constructive manner, so that all of us can benefit from this discussion. The amount of patience and politeness she has exhibited is very impressive, despite a few quite mean or jealous responses.

The issue is quite worth a constructive disucssion for all of us. To what extent we can illustrate our accounting experince/knowledge, whether we are lucky enough to have practiced them day in and day out, or only tasted them due to lack of opportunity or other constraints.

It is a very challenging issue for junior accountants, esp. for an immigrant accountants residing in a western city (a seemingly bigot town) that is absolutely different from GTA. Look at the amount of racial prejudice she faces on a daily basis! She already has a lot to bear in her daily work in such an unpleasant environment. These emotional pressure is not something we GTA accountants can easily understand. So, seriously, no matter now inexerienced Mimi may sound, she deserves extra encouragement from us who are lucky to have ample job opprotunities in GTA, a place relatively fair and racially diversified.

So, professional accountants, designated or in process, please be courteous, be ready to share your experience with junior new comers to this field, help them in a practical way,and most imporantly, improve on our typical weakness from our profession: THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX, adopt dynamic perspectives when looking at an issue and understand the whole situation before jumping to quick judgement.

We should altogether feel positive for us as a whole group that one more Chinese fellow joins a professional association. I have hardly seen any congratulations to Mimi but quite a bit of doubt and jealousy in her CGA.

So be gentle on Mimi and any other new comers, who has such severe professional chagllenge ahead of them in life and in career. We all started from that impasse, upon first settling in Canada. We need to grow as a group together. Numbers are our talents. Grow our professional expertise with grace and honour and grow together.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 请大家出出主意,想从AP, Billing, and cash control 跳到高一级的工作,简历应该怎么写?不敢随便乱编,怕推荐人实话实说。但不编,恐怕没有面试的机会。我刚刚从一个小城市搬到一个中等城市,正在准备简历中。我有CGA证书,但没有很多高级经验。
    • 没有高级工作经验有cga证?看不懂。
      • MN ...你把俺的心底话给说出来了。LOL
        • 我有中国的工作经验加上一些替休假的同事做过一些cash management, 所以拿到了证。但我现在想找新的工作,所以想向大家请教怎么做。
          • ding
      • 她说“没有很多”。。。说不定是中国的cga,没有很多加拿大的经验。
        • 我不是中国的CGA, 我在这里拿到的,而且是在CGA毕业典礼上作了讲演。
          • CGA需要1年的加拿大的senior professional experience,你申请CGA的时候这一年是怎么打勾的,在简历上就怎么写,应该没什么问题的。
            • 我让我们大领导签字的,协会说经验不够,但我们公司给了一封信,说会给我机会当controller(背地里说,千万别当真)...最后协会同意了。我们是个小省,所以协会同意了。
    • 把你有的高级经验好好写写,写在简历前面。准备些STAR例子面试时候用。其它的 ap, billing 着重点在可变通的技巧上,比如跟供应商保持良好的关系,具备良好的沟通能力,注重细节工作中无失误等。cash control也有点文章可做:跟管理层沟通 cash forecast, cash flow等等。
      • 谢谢,但我想找financial reporting (full accounting cycle) 或者Tax的工作。 我以前的同事让我说:给我三个月,我会让你们满意。但这种方法在得到面试前,不见得管用。
        • reporting行业不同规则也不同,不同公司之间差别都很大。先找小公司full cycle accounting的工作,积累经验。老实说我认识一人就是编了中国一年高级经验拿了证,一年多了还没有找到工作。
          • 我没有编中国简历,也没有人特意问我中国的事。我是CGA毕业典礼上唯一的外国人, 我们公司唯一有口音的人。谢谢你的提醒,我还是当瞎猫去撞死耗子。
          • “编了中国一年高级经验拿了证”? 那是中国的证?加拿大的是需要至少一年加拿大的高级经验的。 但“一年多了还没有找到工作”也是挺难理解的。
          • 不客气地说,任何编的经验,如果我是面试的人,五分钟之内就能鉴别出来。
            • 你真厉害。我得和你学学。
            • 就是,所以到现在还在找。要我提供意见和帮助,我说你先把心放低,做到脚踏实地,被我很是说了一番。特讨厌这种人,CREDIT都被他们给抹掉了。还有一位同学从0开始,边考边工作,从AP到SENIOR ACCOUNTANT,踏踏实实,现在还有一门PA2,很让人敬佩。
            • 就是!首先从名单上划掉的也是这些人!
        • 姑娘你有目标是好事,如果以前没做过一步到位也不现实。同意abb的意见,先找小公司full cycle accounting的工作
          • 谢谢鼓励,不是姑娘了。两个儿子都打酱油了。现在公司都是找曾经做过的,别人劝我编一些,但我也不敢。今天的面试,我跟人家说不给钱也成,就当投资。(开玩笑)
            • 能不能在公司内部先试试?哪怕是先做JOB SHADOWING都行,关键是攒经验。你对你们公司的很多流程都熟悉了,应该做起来比较容易上手。另外不建议你说不要钱之类的,找工作是一种互利的交易,说不要钱啊什么的只会让别人觉得你没有底气,反而容易失去机会。给我三个月什么
              • 这种说法是我们原来公司的几个controllers交我的. 我原话并没有说不要钱就干.他们问我要多少钱,我说钱不是很重要,可以以后谈.如果对我的今后有帮助,不要钱也成,算是投资,当然是玩笑.然后他们就和我一起乐, 说不给钱那也不合法呀.
                • 你们平时开玩笑可以,拿到面试里讲就不太合适了。最主要的是,不会有利于你拿到OFFER。如果你们公司足够大,应该有内部调动的机会,尤其是你的老板都认为你有做CONTROLLER的资质了,那做一般的REPORTING 应该更不在话下了。
                  • 我的老板们是没有发言权的. 其中有一位告诉我说等我到CGA Pace Level 就可以长工资了,结果大领导说:谁说的? (其实就是他跟我领导说的)
                  • 我原来单位的老板给我出这个主意是因为他认为不能瞎编,我没有高级工作经验, 只能靠低工资,好的教育背景来说服未来雇主. 没有其他的办法.他当年就是这样得到现在的工作的. 他本人就是我们单位的人精,从上到下人人喜欢他.
                    • Your ex boss holds a good principle, but is very misleading too on the issue of working for minimum wages. Maybe the situation is more discriminating in the west, but you should hold your princile that
                      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. You invested significantly in your CGA education, in efforts, in tuition fees, and in professional commitment.

                      2. You have grown your expereince over the years. The current environment has not given you fair opportunity to demonstrate you know how to do certain accounting tasks, but it is not fair to say you do not have expereince. You have working knowledge, you have observed, you tried on your own, you have your ideas about how to imrpvoe some work process and why.

                      3. All maual work deserves a fair pay. This is a principle on which a civilized society stands! In the case of an accountant, your investment in CGA education, and your growing experience each year, deserves proper evaluation and a CIVILIZED consideration by the management of a company that obviously needs your skills and knowledge.

                      So, don't let bigots midguide you or professionally abuse you any more. Be ready for negotiation, but do stand bravely on your feet and stick to a firm principle. Nothing should take away your dignity no matter what adversity you face.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                      • I got it. Thanks!
            • 同意88honey的话,你越说"不给钱也成"越不一定有人敢用你. 还有你一直强调你是"CGA毕业典礼上唯一的外国人,公司唯一有口音的人"这在安省都挺不可思议的,不知道强调了对你找工有什么好处. 这里有很多好的置顶找工文章,不如你先看一下,缕清找工思路.
              • 我没有在面试上说我是唯一的一个中国人,我只是在这里说的. 我们原来的公司说过不过让我当controller的,因为我的口音. 因为他们说在给总经理做报告的时候,他们会开很多玩笑和问题,我应付不过来.
                • 你如果没有交流的问题,在你现在的公司你都能当上controller了,你还在愁senior的经验了,你应该很快就能找到好的工作了,不过你们公司从ap,billing,cash control到controller的距离好像有点近。
                  • 中间还有Business analyst, 这个职位也不给我. 不过我也理解,他们不需要我. 公司有太多的年轻的CMA,他们也很聪明. 我们公司的另外2个controllers (CGA) 很同情我,所以私下教了full cycle, financial reporting,但我不能真的去实践.
                    • 一个公司有那么多的controller?
                      • 对,1个行政总经理,CMA 2个会计经理(CA and CMA),5个小controller (2个资格老的CGA, 3个自己培养的CMA ). haha! 因为总公司下面有31 个小公司, 所以有很多人.
                • Mimi, seriously, from now on, you should document on a daily basis, such racial profiling comments, when, who, what was said.
                  You may not change it individually, but these abusing attitude shuold be at least witnessed. You may find yourself fighting alone in Regina, but keep the efforts a long term project.
              • 每一篇都看过,我说过我不在安省. 现在也不在.我想你们可能不理解为什么我这么多年没有换过工作,招工网站上3个月都没有accounting的工作. 我在公司内部试过很多次,没有用.我想你们不太理解小地方. 又一次一个黑人从我们公司门口过,很多人都在说,"怎么那么黑..."
                • 这是哪个省啊到底。
                • 大多地区的XDJM理解不了这个。小地方一般很少外国移民,我们省的一个小城市,唯一的外国移民群体是某大厂从中国招来的工人。
                  • 大家不是不理解没有移民,是不理解什么地方能有那么奇特的经历,或者工作机会。
                    • 我们城市的人一般只给两个地方工作: 政府或者一个垄断的私人企业.我现在搬到西部另一个中型城市,希望有所改变.
                      • 是Edmonton吗?那是个好地方啊。^_^ 加油
                        • 我搬到Regina
                  • 真谢谢你的理解,我们公司不会给我机会的,起初我不信,因为他们答应同等对待.但当我修完产假回来,就改口了. 我们公司的能做主的领导是CMA, 他们把机会给了年轻本地的CMA. 同情我的是另外两个曾经是我领导的小Controller.
                • 可以理解。偶这几个星期在美加到处游荡,有些小地方看到华人还是会有点大惊小怪。
                  • 哈哈,我原来在的地方就是这样,他们还认为中国比较落后.我在公司听他们说过中国人一听说是怀女孩, 就堕胎了. 我们小组开会,主要讨论那个黑人怎么那么黑. 说的我直翻白眼.
                    • 这个。。。她们也不怕人告她种族歧视?不过小地方人比大城市人纯朴,也更爱帮助别人。
                      • 谁告?全是白人.
        • 别沉了
    • 谢谢大家的回复,我只是想问问大家怎么在不撒谎的前提下,在简历上写那些自己知道但没有实践过的事,找到高一级的工作, 而不是高级工作.
      • 美人儿,摸摸~~~~~~~你脾气真好。
        可不可以这样写:working under the supervision of CXA,然后写一些你的上司教你的东西。
        • 不美,不美,脾气也不好. 我就是运气不太好. 我连买西瓜都买不好.哈哈! 我老公都说我是倒霉孩子.
      • I ask all accoutning pros to extend some encouragement to a newly designated CGA. Professional courtesy is a key quality in being a professional accountant.
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Mimi is obviously raising a very valuable point for our discssion and sharing.

        She cited her own personal experience honestly and modestly, clarified most questions/dount from people in this forum. She is making a very brave effort in pushing the discussion forward in a constructive manner, so that all of us can benefit from this discussion. The amount of patience and politeness she has exhibited is very impressive, despite a few quite mean or jealous responses.

        The issue is quite worth a constructive disucssion for all of us. To what extent we can illustrate our accounting experince/knowledge, whether we are lucky enough to have practiced them day in and day out, or only tasted them due to lack of opportunity or other constraints.

        It is a very challenging issue for junior accountants, esp. for an immigrant accountants residing in a western city (a seemingly bigot town) that is absolutely different from GTA. Look at the amount of racial prejudice she faces on a daily basis! She already has a lot to bear in her daily work in such an unpleasant environment. These emotional pressure is not something we GTA accountants can easily understand. So, seriously, no matter now inexerienced Mimi may sound, she deserves extra encouragement from us who are lucky to have ample job opprotunities in GTA, a place relatively fair and racially diversified.

        So, professional accountants, designated or in process, please be courteous, be ready to share your experience with junior new comers to this field, help them in a practical way,and most imporantly, improve on our typical weakness from our profession: THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX, adopt dynamic perspectives when looking at an issue and understand the whole situation before jumping to quick judgement.

        We should altogether feel positive for us as a whole group that one more Chinese fellow joins a professional association. I have hardly seen any congratulations to Mimi but quite a bit of doubt and jealousy in her CGA.

        So be gentle on Mimi and any other new comers, who has such severe professional chagllenge ahead of them in life and in career. We all started from that impasse, upon first settling in Canada. We need to grow as a group together. Numbers are our talents. Grow our professional expertise with grace and honour and grow together.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • The only thing I want to say is " YOU ARE VERY PROFESSIONAL".
    • 我觉的大家不要太challenge楼主这个CGA证书是怎么拿到的.话说.我见过CMA,非华裔,连简单的GST都搞不明白的.楼主也许幸运,不管怎样,现在,已经是这个状况了.从她的回帖,我觉的她没有什么特别故意欺骗的成分.而ENTRY LEVEL通过跳槽找到更高一级的工作,是很普遍的现象.
      希望高手们能多给一些POSITIVE IDEA.
      • Very well said! I feel the same.
    • Maybe you can try things like Month/Quarter End Accruals/Closing,Financial Statement Preparations (i.e. Balance Sheet, Income Statement,Cash Flow Statement etc.), then go on for Notes to the Finanicial Statement etc.if you prefer Financial Reporting.
      • 谢谢答复,我的问题是怎么在简历上改进.我不能把没有做过的写上,但事实上我知道怎么做,别人教过我.