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在经历数次失败面试后, 终于很幸运的拿到2个offer, 确有点 拿不定主意, 想请各位xdjm帮忙分析哪个发展前途好,非常感谢!

在经历数次失败面试后, 终于很幸运的拿到2个offer, 确有点 拿不定主意, 想请各位xdjm帮忙分析哪个发展前途好,非常感谢!

1. Treasury accountant:
• Job des: mainly bank reconciliations for 50~80 accounts, eft, monitor cash flow…
• Company/team: a well-known service company, around 4000+ people, 6 pp in treasury dept in this location
• Location: very convenient by public transit, don’t need to drive 
• Salary: about 10k lower than the 2nd choice, no bonus

2. Intermediate accountant:
• Job des: account analysis, assist audit, cost analysis, kpi…
• Company/team: private company, dealership/ leasing/rental construction equip, around 300 pp, 12 pp in accting dept in this location
• Location: far from home, around 30km, 1 hr drive per trip 
• Salary: good, plus bonus

Both positions report to director/controller (cma), both managers seem professional, reasonable, ok to work with… both work closly w/ superviosr/senior acct, both look ok as well...
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 在经历数次失败面试后, 终于很幸运的拿到2个offer, 确有点 拿不定主意, 想请各位xdjm帮忙分析哪个发展前途好,非常感谢!
    在经历数次失败面试后, 终于很幸运的拿到2个offer, 确有点 拿不定主意, 想请各位xdjm帮忙分析哪个发展前途好,非常感谢!

    1. Treasury accountant:
    • Job des: mainly bank reconciliations for 50~80 accounts, eft, monitor cash flow…
    • Company/team: a well-known service company, around 4000+ people, 6 pp in treasury dept in this location
    • Location: very convenient by public transit, don’t need to drive 
    • Salary: about 10k lower than the 2nd choice, no bonus

    2. Intermediate accountant:
    • Job des: account analysis, assist audit, cost analysis, kpi…
    • Company/team: private company, dealership/ leasing/rental construction equip, around 300 pp, 12 pp in accting dept in this location
    • Location: far from home, around 30km, 1 hr drive per trip 
    • Salary: good, plus bonus

    Both positions report to director/controller (cma), both managers seem professional, reasonable, ok to work with… both work closly w/ superviosr/senior acct, both look ok as well...
    • 我个人倾向2, 但朋友说
      我个人倾向2, 但朋友说2公司不如1有名, 1公司名气大,对以后跳槽比较有利。而且离家近,冬天不用每天开2小时车。但我担心treasury area较小,以后不好跳...觉得2以后路宽些。大家觉得呢?谢谢!
      • 如果你不打算跳了,就去2,如果你的职业目标还没达到,就去1,然后继续找。还有,看个人,你喜不习惯在“小”公司工作,或者还是习惯在大公司?
        • 现阶段目标是拿senior exp for cga perc, 打算定下公司后至少做2年,下次跳槽希望是拿到证书后。谢谢criss!
      • 你没有说你的家庭情况, 如果家里有小孩的话, 估计你就不会上来问了.要知道, 公司离家近是多少人的梦想.
        • 我有一个快1.5岁的宝宝, 比较幸运是有外婆帮忙,我上班前把他带去我妈家(离我家开车10分钟)下班再去接他回,周末自己带,其实也挺累的了。
      • Congratulations! Other people cannot see the real situation better than you do. So just follow your heart and choose one you feel more comfortable. Good luck with your new adventure!
        • 谢谢谢谢,这两天全家开了N个会讨论,也没个结果,所以上来请教这里的会计大侠帮忙分析哪个是潜力股。
          • 我做过一段时间的bank rec. 后来走的时候偶经理建议我还是做回operation或是reporting。如果只做bank rec的话只是一个procedure的活,学不到啥子东西。但是要有往班班说的那个真正treasury方向走又是另一个故事了。
    • 岸觉得要先考虑一下你自己喜欢哪个先。
      • 看来treasury在坛里很popular呀,但是我以前没做过,不知道每天做bank rec会不会很无聊。1小时是很远啊,而且我下班还要接小孩回家吃饭洗澡睡觉,这不得等他睡了才有时间来瞧瞧
        • 没人帮你带孩子的话还是1吧,bank recon我觉得挺多东西做的,不无聊。
        • 你要选了2, 就介绍1给我吧!我有个小孩,单位刚谈了close down office。 想着养育孩子,时间太重要了,没前途我也能忍。Bank Rec, 我觉得很容易,本领高的两周就烦了。
    • treasury的工作要比传统的会计少很多,以后发展的路会很窄。得考虑清楚。是不是真的喜欢treasury,想一直在这行发展。
      • 谢谢joyce班长的建议。我没做过treasury工作,所以也不敢谈喜不喜欢。我申请的应该是初级职位,不知道每天要做这么多bank rec会不会很dry & boring...
        • 初级职位肯定会比较boring. 要通过CGA Perc,传统会计经验应该会容易些。
    • if I can choose, I will take 1st one. The hours on the way is painful. You can expect to get increase in the public company so the pay may not be much material difference.
      • 9494,其实我很不喜欢开车,特别是在rush hours...目前经验对我来说比较重要,因为要申请cga perc,不知道哪个比较能qualify senior exp, 对以后career有帮助。谢谢阿方!
        • if you're subject to PERC, definitely you should take #2.
    • 我选离家近的.