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You will be contacted once it has been determined which organization(s) in your area (if any) will be recruiting. In the meantime, if you know of any community organizations in your area that you think might be interested in running a clinic for the 2013 Filing Season, please feel free to forward their information to me or direct them to the CRA website where they can register as a partner.

For the purposes of this program, most community organizations are non-profit association or organization that provides services to the community, such as recreational and/or social services, support or financial counselling programs. This would include, but not be limited to, recreation, seniors and women's centres; family services associations; settlement organizations, multicultural societies; service clubs; Indian band offices; and volunteer bureaus.
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 给那些想找加拿大会计义工经验的同学。。现在又快到下年税期。。有不少社区或非牟利已经开始物色义工的了。。大家不妨去试试。。总比给钱去私校的好。也可以拿到reference.
    • Thank you...Registered!
      • Did you just register in their website? Seemed we need to register in a volunteer center first. I have never been volunteer before. Anyone can give me a hint? Thanks.
        • go to CRA website and look for CVITP program. You may need to write down which NPO you are going to help.
        • 我也第一次报名,不是很清楚。而且我住的那地在CRA网页根本没看到有NPO管这事。但我有一邻居已经连续两年当报税义工了,他说他就是以个人名义报名的。有机会我再问问他
          • 我也想去,请问如果你知道详情后能告知一下吗?
            • 更新一下:今天收到一封CRA的信说确实要隶属在一组织下,如果说我现在没组织,他会提供一些组织让我联系。总之我觉得就先报名了,不会有坏处
              • 我也没有组织,但今天我注册了,等他们跟我联系吧。
              • 这是我收到的CRA回复.
                You will be contacted once it has been determined which organization(s) in your area (if any) will be recruiting. In the meantime, if you know of any community organizations in your area that you think might be interested in running a clinic for the 2013 Filing Season, please feel free to forward their information to me or direct them to the CRA website where they can register as a partner.

                For the purposes of this program, most community organizations are non-profit association or organization that provides services to the community, such as recreational and/or social services, support or financial counselling programs. This would include, but not be limited to, recreation, seniors and women's centres; family services associations; settlement organizations, multicultural societies; service clubs; Indian band offices; and volunteer bureaus.
      • 对啊,我看是说要跟一个机构才行。 +1
    • CVITP is good. You can have a reference. I should write my story on my volunteer experience, which is ridiculous. All in all, try CVITP, not bad choice
      • 就是想知道工作时间是什么,还有是online提供service,还是必须得在现场。因为我是full time上班,平常白天只能做些onlinede1工作。
        • 很多公司都是他们上班的时候做的,很少有让她们收集好让你拿回去做。我知道有些NPO会那样做,你可以找找,不过不建议那么做。有些是周6会有clinic,最好是狗一下那些NPO你想去做义工,之后自己问她们。
        • when you register, you will be asked to choose the time. You can select weekend.
        • 谢谢大家。