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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

The company compliance should request the spender to provide the cost center when they submit the cost request and attach invoices/receipts in the system(submission won't be successful otherwise).

Expenses without cc won't be put into the system which means the spender can't get the money back. If they were using the company credit card, an analyst should be responsible for reconciling each transaction of the card record on monthly basis and distribute reports to EA of each department. Costs sitting in the card without being allocated to correct CCs is unbelieveable for an organized company. The auditors won't allow.

If you think this is a blind spot for the company, you can take an initiatives to suggest a process improvement plan which will add credit to your performance review. Just need to be careful how this will impact interest of each department head and avoid stepping on the toes. Obviously, you will need to get support from your department first.
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  • 公司有50多人有credit card,有些人就是不愿意交expense report,停了credit card也无动于衷,但是我还是需要他们交的啊,有什么好办法?
    • 我们公司也是,没办法啊。9月的,11月初还没交,把卡取消了,process expense,他们交的是快了,但是approve,什么的又费时间。没办法啊。。。
      • 我们公司让statement寄到head office,除了president的。有专人分工不同类别的卡,有些是每周对帐。 定好制度,难道那么多人想丢饭碗?这摊活太繁琐,技术含量也不高。能甩掉最好甩掉。
        • 我们公司也是给每个部门的admin或者秘书做,不过那些卡的主人需要把发票给那些秘书什么,也要告诉他们那些expense是那个cost center的。他们拖着,秘书们也没办法。
    • 谁负责付Visa的帐单?公司还是员工?如果员工先付了,再submit expense report for reimbursement,还会拖延?和钱过不去?如果员工不按时付Visa帐单,公司policy写清楚,员工自己掏腰包,支付interest.
      • 公司的信用卡是公司付的,所以员工没有incentive,如果把卡收回了,他们就要垫付了,这样,他们report交的就很快了。
        • 上有政策下有对策。有人要求自己team 的其他人加credit limit,然后用在那人的卡上,他自己还是逃避交report。
          • Our company requires the expenses are paid by the person at the highest rank. In my company, as long as another person wants to pay others people's expenses and get his own money back later,
            we are fine becasue it is rare and employee reimbursement is not too big so $ of timing difference is immaterial. but for the corporate credit, it is a pool and if only few people provide us codes online, the amount of timing difference is big.
            • 都是公司准时付的credit card钱,然后再来要有卡的人交report,所以大家都不紧张。要是公司不准时付,利息很贵,加上一次付一笔,不可能说谁的卡不付,只付谁的卡。
              • 那你们公司的卡和我们公司的不同,我们公司所有的卡只有一个statement。每个员工自己到银行的网上去填写expenses的GL,cost center等等,
                我们月底的时候把那个consolidated的表下载下来然后upload到sap里面去。如果是没有卡的员工,就是自己垫付expense,然后再到portal上填expense report,经理approve以后,我们upload,然后再包括在payroll里面。
                • 有总的stmt, 也有sub a/c stmt. 不同类别的不同处理方式。卡分布在全国各地,但据我所知, so far so good, 没人敢不保帐的。
                  • 问题不是不填report,而是没有incentive 在deadline之前填。
                    • 哦,我应该说没人敢不在deadline前不交报告。trx 要在deadline之前用macro upload 到系统里。大部分信用卡的开销类别都定好了,不允许用于个人开销。制度得top mgmt定好,管靠人去催,不够力。
                      • 能说说为什么不敢错过deadline吗?
                        • 除了几个大头,大部分是跟OPERATION相关的成本,不及时提交信息就影响mgmt report, CEO/Sr VP知道了,不怕被lay? 但首先要有明确制度,公司的卡不做私人用途,报账deadline。老不尊守能有好果子吃?我们公司都是鬼姥在做这滩,老板秘书室出来的,能有什么事可以捂着的。
                        • 我的招: 给上面提议把所有的suspended expenses都列入emplyee advance,及时从工资里先扣掉。什么时候帐报好了,什么时候再校核(校核期1个月)。让人事发通告。
    • Option 2: Record credit card statement whole amount to their department cost. Let the BVA ( Budget vs Actual) report tell the story on the monthly basis,assuming your company has a good budget control up to CFA level.
      • That is not a good idea. they will ask us to reverse the accural and provide us the GL and cost centers. The problem with reversal is, say, if we post the expense to the home cost center of 10 people,
        1 of them will worry about the fluctruation and provide us the code, it is good to have that but we have to manual reverse some line items and re post these. and there will be another one and another one till the month is closed.

        that is the sad part of accounting, we are cost center only and we are supposed to provide services.
        • accrual and reverse are not supposed to repeat for the same transaction and reason for a few months in a row. Controller's team will come and challenge. SFA still needs to explain the variance when she/he can expose the issue to the executives.
          • why there are issues? maybe, you are talking about a different kind of accrual?
        • Let me make it clear. Re-classing is definitely necessary once the expense report is received. In our case, credit card users are mostly head of department and would not take the expense report seriously unless their department budgets are impacted.
          • can you give more detail info about the accrual you refer to? maybe we are talking abou the difference things.
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I do not think accrual is good/effective way is because they will send the report after they do prelimineary variance review and send us any correction they want to make (of course, with other adjustments or postings) after we accrue for them. At that time, we have to reclass these line itemes.

            for example, we have 100 lines for serveral users, 2 of them have not completed the GL and cost centers.
            we can upload the whole file and default the cost to their home cost center, later, they send us the GL and codes, we need to find out those lines related to them and reclass it. if they do not provide codes, costs stay there. (this is what we are doing now.)

            or, like you said, accrual, 2 ways, accrue the whoe file;later, both of them send us the correction, reverse the accrual, and post the complete file, (easy). if only one of them, send us the correction codes, we need to do a reclass but using accrual document type, the next month, file reversed, we upload the file (JE). 2nd one, seperate files, upload the correct ones, accrue the incompleted ones to the default cost center, other steps will be the same as the 1 scenario.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • Not sure I agree with your point of accrual is not a good way. In my understanding, accrual is a must way in order not to overstate income.
              accrual first reverse second then wait for the actual cost come in to hit GL(include reclass) is the typically steps to follow.
              • you are right. I know what you mean. what I mean is waiting for cost centers and GLs for the costs not the costs themselves. We have those.
                LZ's complain is she has the costs but does not know where to post those because users delay in provding the coding.
                • The company compliance should request the spender to provide the cost center when they submit the cost request and attach invoices/receipts in the system(submission won't be successful otherwise).
                  Expenses without cc won't be put into the system which means the spender can't get the money back. If they were using the company credit card, an analyst should be responsible for reconciling each transaction of the card record on monthly basis and distribute reports to EA of each department. Costs sitting in the card without being allocated to correct CCs is unbelieveable for an organized company. The auditors won't allow.

                  If you think this is a blind spot for the company, you can take an initiatives to suggest a process improvement plan which will add credit to your performance review. Just need to be careful how this will impact interest of each department head and avoid stepping on the toes. Obviously, you will need to get support from your department first.
                  • My company is fine with this. We are just complaining the difficult to get the codings.