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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

1. For GAAP purpose, it is right that need to determine capital and operating lease. However, before going that further, considering:

(a) Purpose of the financial statements: will it be reviewed or audited? or more for filing a tax return;(b)is the amount involved material or significant? If not, maybe just simply expense the lease payments to coincide with income tax purpose.
You may want to consider these factors before changing the treatment, since accounting always involves judgement to balance among different principles, e.g. cost-benefit, materiality etc.
2.As to property taxes, there could be prepaid portion or need to accrue at each reporting date, depends on the payments.
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  • capital lease 的办公设备和电脑,应该如何记呢?以前的人都记到expense里了。 另外公司有几处办公物业,每个月的地税也是记到expense里面吗?
    • You have to determine it is capital lease or operational lease first.
      • 是capital lease, 谢谢
        • 肯定是的话,先debit capital credit loan。每月还款时debit loan & interest expense, credit cash
          • 还有hst
    • 1. For GAAP purpose, it is right that need to determine capital and operating lease. However, before going that further, considering:
      (a) Purpose of the financial statements: will it be reviewed or audited? or more for filing a tax return;(b)is the amount involved material or significant? If not, maybe just simply expense the lease payments to coincide with income tax purpose.
      You may want to consider these factors before changing the treatment, since accounting always involves judgement to balance among different principles, e.g. cost-benefit, materiality etc.
      2.As to property taxes, there could be prepaid portion or need to accrue at each reporting date, depends on the payments.