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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

不知道是不是还有用,不过anyway第一题答案是1)3591第二题答案是4)8%. 解释见内。

1) 500*1.25+1700/(1-15%)+700*1.38 = 3591

因为500是CCPC dividend,所以taxable amount要Grossup@25%,700是Public company dividend,所以taxable amount要Grossup@38%。1700是net Foreign income 所以tax@gross amount,i.e. before the 15% withholding tax,但是会有credit for the tax paid to the foreign country。

2) To “be indifferent” between the two, the after tax cash 应该一样. 所以如果$1为本金

设dividend rate 为 x, dividend 就是 x*1

那么taxable amount after grossup 就是 1.25*x ,

tax before DTC 就是 1.25*x*46%,

因为题里说明DTC is equal to the grossup,所以DTC 是25%*x

那么after tax cash就是 x-(1.25*x*46%-25%*x)

对interest来说,after tax cash 是 0.1-0.1*46%=0.054

那么,let x-(1.25*x*46%-25%*x)=0.054,


My two cents。
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 关于taxation 1 请帮忙给出答案,谢谢
    Joe received the following:
    $500 dividend from a CCPC;
    $1,700 net dividend from Standard Life PLC, in the UK, subject to 15% withholding;
    $700 dividend from Royal Bank of Canada.

    What is taxable dividend income?
    1)3591, 2)3325 3)2900. 4)3166

    Which one?
    A individual would be indifferent between taxable interest of 10%, and a taxable dividend form a CCPC of:

    (assume 46% combined tax rate, and DTC equal to gross up)

    1)5.4% 2)10% 3)6.9% 4)8%
    • 不知道是不是还有用,不过anyway第一题答案是1)3591第二题答案是4)8%. 解释见内。
      1) 500*1.25+1700/(1-15%)+700*1.38 = 3591

      因为500是CCPC dividend,所以taxable amount要Grossup@25%,700是Public company dividend,所以taxable amount要Grossup@38%。1700是net Foreign income 所以tax@gross amount,i.e. before the 15% withholding tax,但是会有credit for the tax paid to the foreign country。

      2) To “be indifferent” between the two, the after tax cash 应该一样. 所以如果$1为本金

      设dividend rate 为 x, dividend 就是 x*1

      那么taxable amount after grossup 就是 1.25*x ,

      tax before DTC 就是 1.25*x*46%,

      因为题里说明DTC is equal to the grossup,所以DTC 是25%*x

      那么after tax cash就是 x-(1.25*x*46%-25%*x)

      对interest来说,after tax cash 是 0.1-0.1*46%=0.054

      那么,let x-(1.25*x*46%-25%*x)=0.054,


      My two cents。
      • you are right, thanks!