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Once you set your new year resolution, doesn't matter whether it is "keep fit", "go biking", "help others" etc, whatever, stick to it.

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  • What is your new year resolution?
    "I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination."

    "December is a time for reflection. It’s the time of year to measure the progress you’ve made toward your dreams. It’s the perfect time to check the direction you’re heading and adjust your sails to stay on."

    May happiness fill your days and all your dreams come true in 2013!
    • http://www.stickk.com/
      Once you set your new year resolution, doesn't matter whether it is "keep fit", "go biking", "help others" etc, whatever, stick to it.

    • Keep Dreaming On
      前两天需要catch up CPEs, 去参加Board of Accountancy 来公司的IFRS update,结果认识几个刚从加拿大来的CA是,各个都很满意现在的lifstyle。 其实拿到6 figure job只是其中一方面,更多的是在一个大一点的pool里有更好的职业上升空间,公司culture fit-in, etc., 从公司角度,要找到一个好的employee非常不容易,俺们部门最近要招人,天南海北飞来好多candidate, so far特别合适的没几个。现在找工作你一定要有一两个非常突出的skill,其他人没有或和你比差很多,很多时候不是你不好,而是如果你会的别人都会,你很难stand out. But if your strength is so strong, then it doesn't matter if you have some other weakness, you are sought-after.

      祝大家2013找工/换工顺利,keep dreaming on!

      • ”现在找工作你一定要有一两个非常突出的skill,其他人没有或和你比差很多,很多时候不是你不好,而是如果你会的别人都会,你很难stand out.” 能否举例说明一下怎么样的skill算是比较突出的呢?谢谢。
        • Sorry for not responding sooner. See my thoughts inside
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Situation for everyone is different,however,to me, it doesn't matter, the principle is still the same.

          One bucket is "Efficiency" which is a big thing in some company. If your skills could reduce the time or cost, then make it the strongest point. E.g., if you use Excel a lot for repetitive routine every day, maybe you could develop Macro to improve efficiency.

          Another bucket is "value-added". E.g., the industry knowledge, everybody learned GAAP from school, but if you know how to apply GAAP to a specific industry, then that could be your core skills.

          First set aside 30 minutes and do a self-assessment, the as-is and to-be status: as-is is your current position and your current core skills; to-be is your destination in 5 years and skills you'd like to obtain. Each position has one or more core skills, you can find most of them from the job descriptions. This way you will know what skills to develop for your dream or current position based on your background and personality.

          BTW, I am watching a video called "The 4-Hour™ Life - Healthy, Wealthy and Wise" by Tim Ferris, you can find his books from internet, the first thing he points out is 80/20 rule (do things efficiently and effectively) which is very true.

          http://www.creativelive.com/courses/4-hour-life-tim-ferriss更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • 太感谢了,获益良多。
            从帖子中学到:首先表达要明确。关键词要醒目,efficiency&value-added.其次要有合适的例子。第一点我觉得自己有例子,因为平时有做macro,第二点,我自己理解是GAAP是很空泛的,具体落实到各个不同的公司,最直接的就是用SOX来规范业务流程。不知道例举自己有过做年度SOX的经验并举例是否可以算将GAAP具体到公司去add value.或者BuickRegal有啥更好的例子可以分享,点拨我一下?非常感谢!
            • I hope I am not misleading. :D
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛If your core skill is to streamline business process (e.g., to optimize the master checklist of month end closing to reduce the time from 5 days to 3 days) or you are a control specialist (e.g., design and implements controls to reduce the risk etc.), you just write down everything you can think of initially, then revisit to determine which one is really the core to you/the position.

              An example is one of the key skill for management consultant: be able to ask the right questions and understand the processes/issues quickly. Keep in mind that the consultant interview management during very limited time and you cannot go back to ask the question again. In addition, the consultant should be able to connect the dots and think through the process from end to end and pinpoint the problem/provide solution.

              Anyhow, it is essentially a thought process, it is fun to ask yourself questions and think it through.

              P.S., the link I gave in previous post doesn't have the whole videos, if you'd like to watch the whole thing, PM me your email address, I will send you the link.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • Marked.. Thanks.. Happy new year
            • Happy New Year! Any resolution 2013? :)
    • Thanks for sharing! Please check your PM.
    • Keith Ferrazzi
      This afternoon I am working from..uh...library. so can watch video while doing my work. I am watching the video filmed by Keith Ferrazzi, he is the guy with popular book "Never Eat Alone" & "Who’s Got Your Back". The video talks about network and relationship in western way. Rule #1 is Generosity -- to help others succeed, interesting, seems I cannot finish the video today though, time is expensive in the way. bummer.
