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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛一个Hi tech的START UP小公司,找AP/AR。我现在在一个服务业小公司做BOOKKEEPER。
1.How do you organize and store finance department documents to ensure they can be found quickly?
Response: At XXX, I have one drawer where I put all AP invoices in different color folders, each color represents each location. After the invoice paid I filed them to the cabinet. Each location has its own drawer. In each drawer each vendor has own folder which is filed by name from A-Z and invoices in each folder are filed by invoice number. I have another drawer is full of students’ invoice. They are field by class start date from Jan to Dec. in same study period, the document are filed by students name from A-Z. After the students paid full amount, I put their invoices into cabinet where the files are filed by the same filing rule.

2.What is a practical, on-the-job, use of a Pivot Table in Excel?
Response: the most practical is that I can rotate its rows and columns to summarize the data in a different way. That means a pivot table can summarizes the data in one field by breaking it down according to the data in another field

3.What is the most frustrating problem that you have encountered working with QuickBooks? How did you work around the problem?
Response: Once a time, I have $500 prepayments to vendor. I didn’t know how to do that in QuickBooks? First, I Dr. expense $443, Dr. HST $57, Cr. Cash $500.but I thought it was not proper way because we didn’t know the vendor was going to charge HST or not. So I did some search online and found the answer. first, I select write check, select Accounts payable$500,no tax, then print the check .so this vendor has $500 credit . when I received invoice, I open bill and put the total amount in expense, that is dr. expense$1000,dr.HST$130,Cr A/P$1130. Then pay bill, apply$500 credit, pay the balance.

4.What precautions do you take to minimize the number of entry errors when processing AP invoices?
Response: I will sort and match accounts payable invoices against purchase orders and packing slips, verify the prices, quantities, description and taxes on accounts payable invoices. When I post into system, I will pay attention that I select right vendor and right accounts. When I process payment, I will pay attention that the check number in system is matching the real check number.

5.What kind of routines would you expect would be a part of our month-end close process?
Response: first closing these following: payroll, revenue, payable, inventory, cash, fix assets, then do manual adjustments to the general ledger through journal entries. For example: amortize prepaid expense; accrue expenses; accrue revenues; unearned revenues etc. last step is produce financial statements,
我现在这个公司就做年结,还是老板让FIRM里的ACCOUNTANT做,我什么都不做。所以我只是照学过的简单说了一下。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 大过节的知道大家都忙,但好心人能不能抽空帮我分析一下面试失败的原因。谢谢,祝大家圣诞快乐。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛一个Hi tech的START UP小公司,找AP/AR。我现在在一个服务业小公司做BOOKKEEPER。
    1.How do you organize and store finance department documents to ensure they can be found quickly?
    Response: At XXX, I have one drawer where I put all AP invoices in different color folders, each color represents each location. After the invoice paid I filed them to the cabinet. Each location has its own drawer. In each drawer each vendor has own folder which is filed by name from A-Z and invoices in each folder are filed by invoice number. I have another drawer is full of students’ invoice. They are field by class start date from Jan to Dec. in same study period, the document are filed by students name from A-Z. After the students paid full amount, I put their invoices into cabinet where the files are filed by the same filing rule.

    2.What is a practical, on-the-job, use of a Pivot Table in Excel?
    Response: the most practical is that I can rotate its rows and columns to summarize the data in a different way. That means a pivot table can summarizes the data in one field by breaking it down according to the data in another field

    3.What is the most frustrating problem that you have encountered working with QuickBooks? How did you work around the problem?
    Response: Once a time, I have $500 prepayments to vendor. I didn’t know how to do that in QuickBooks? First, I Dr. expense $443, Dr. HST $57, Cr. Cash $500.but I thought it was not proper way because we didn’t know the vendor was going to charge HST or not. So I did some search online and found the answer. first, I select write check, select Accounts payable$500,no tax, then print the check .so this vendor has $500 credit . when I received invoice, I open bill and put the total amount in expense, that is dr. expense$1000,dr.HST$130,Cr A/P$1130. Then pay bill, apply$500 credit, pay the balance.

    4.What precautions do you take to minimize the number of entry errors when processing AP invoices?
    Response: I will sort and match accounts payable invoices against purchase orders and packing slips, verify the prices, quantities, description and taxes on accounts payable invoices. When I post into system, I will pay attention that I select right vendor and right accounts. When I process payment, I will pay attention that the check number in system is matching the real check number.

    5.What kind of routines would you expect would be a part of our month-end close process?
    Response: first closing these following: payroll, revenue, payable, inventory, cash, fix assets, then do manual adjustments to the general ledger through journal entries. For example: amortize prepaid expense; accrue expenses; accrue revenues; unearned revenues etc. last step is produce financial statements,
    我现在这个公司就做年结,还是老板让FIRM里的ACCOUNTANT做,我什么都不做。所以我只是照学过的简单说了一下。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 前面4个问题都答的挺对路子。最后一个你回答的“太好了". 你申请的是AP/AR,最后一个你回答的让人觉得你overqualified的。还有,最后一个问题感觉问的是AP/AR在Month End要做的事情。你的回答感觉跑题了。
      • 谢谢。但AP/AR在MONth END 都做什么呢。我现在年结时,就是ACCOUNTANT 让我找一些资料什么保险合同,BANK STATEMENTS,大额的发票等,然后给她送去。
        • 他们的问题其实是看你是不是在AP/AR有足够经验,最好的是这个公司不需要很多培训你就很快上手工作的。如果你有bookkeeping的经验,不建议你在一个小公司再做AP/AR。
          AP在 Month End一般会拿vendor的Statement做reconciliation,同时平衡哪些紧要的账要支付,从而Ensure公司好的cash flow. AR一般是出Aging&DSO reports。大公司把这些考虑进perform review.
    • if an interviewer has strong accounting expriences, your answers give him that you know some accounting but no working experience on AR / AP. IF HR interviews you, your answer is good enough for them
      1。回答FILING 太复杂。FILING 要让别人或不熟悉业务的人容易找到
      2.PRIVOTE TABLE 没有给出具体的事例,让人不确定你是否使用过
      • what's the most important point for Q4? I thought it is three way matching. How to answer Q3 and Q5? Q5 I have no experience. Thanks
        • PM You
    • 借贴问, 最近也有些面试(已失败), 总结经验.
      主要是general accountant, bookkpper, 面试的问题以behavior偏多, 技能的较少(面试者是有会计背景的行家),不知是否是正常会计的面试, 还是因为面试者已经对我(面试者)不敢兴趣? 希望能够找出失败的原因. 非常感谢回贴, 并祝大家新年快乐, 心想事成.
    • my 2 cents

      我感觉你面试的时候缺少简练的概况. 比如Q1,你采用的是什么方法归档的概括一句再举例。最好公司有Procedure for filing。即使不是你,别人也能找到数据和资料. If you need, I would be able to create filing system for you. When I work with XXX, I ....blah blah you will be outstanding if you can 带给雇主额外的价值。

      2。这个算问得比较具体的问题. 这个有概况了,缺例子可以分享。。

      4。你强调了3way matching挺好,但是AP的流程不是你自己一个人在做。AP Invoice 需要审批,如果大公司的话可能还需要经理coding.还有同vendor之间的沟通,这些工作流程你怎么同其他人衔接?
      5。从reporting的角度,财务报表的准确依赖于当期的AP invoice能及时录入到系统里。这个need reconcliation,跟vendor之间的对帐。

      综上,你面试回答的比较限于自己的process,缺少各环节的衔接和与其他同事的沟通。you need to concern the impact of your work to others.同vendor之间保持良好的关系,沟通能力也是非常重要的。