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Need you advice: Working in the company since April 2011, $60k. didn’t get raise last year. Just got CGA in Jan. 2013, asked for a raise to $70k. Boss agreed, but mentioned two points:

Need you advice:

Working in a small company since April 2011, $60k. Didn't get raise last year.

Just got CGA in Jan. 2013, asked for a raise. Told the boss that the average salary for CGA is about &94k, but I just ask for the minimum $70k. Boss agreed, but mentioned two points:

1. You did a great job, so I’ll give you what you want, the $70k.

2. Actually the company doesn’t need a CGA. If one day you get an offer of $90k, you take it and give the company a 3 weeks’ notice.

So after the raise, I fell both happy and uncertain. I guess that $70k is their max. affordable. Perhaps not more promotion in the future. Or the boss would find someone cheaper to replace me?

Is $70k a reasonable pay for a new CGA? Any suggestion on the boss' meaning? Any advice ?

Thanks a lot!
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  • Need you advice: Working in the company since April 2011, $60k. didn’t get raise last year. Just got CGA in Jan. 2013, asked for a raise to $70k. Boss agreed, but mentioned two points:
    Need you advice:

    Working in a small company since April 2011, $60k. Didn't get raise last year.

    Just got CGA in Jan. 2013, asked for a raise. Told the boss that the average salary for CGA is about &94k, but I just ask for the minimum $70k. Boss agreed, but mentioned two points:

    1. You did a great job, so I’ll give you what you want, the $70k.

    2. Actually the company doesn’t need a CGA. If one day you get an offer of $90k, you take it and give the company a 3 weeks’ notice.

    So after the raise, I fell both happy and uncertain. I guess that $70k is their max. affordable. Perhaps not more promotion in the future. Or the boss would find someone cheaper to replace me?

    Is $70k a reasonable pay for a new CGA? Any suggestion on the boss' meaning? Any advice ?

    Thanks a lot!
    • 你家老板不是很明白告诉你他们公司太小不需要cga了么?既然你将来不满足这个年薪,他都告诉你可以跳了你还等什么?
      若我是你,1. 看自己满足这个薪水么?2. 这个公司有发展前景么?
      • 多谢小绿!the salary is OK for me so far. But for sure I would jump if there are better opportunities.
        • 那你要小心点你老板有没有找新人代替你的想法,不要太被动啦!若是我自己,薪水满足的话就一直呆着,我是没啥上进心的啦!
    • The point is clear: you got $70k for the work you do, not for the CGA you got; if you think your work worths over $90k, the company cannot afford to pay you that. You may look elsewhere. There is not starting salary tag for new CGA.
      • Thanks quicksliman! So you mean it's underpaid for a new CGA having a starting salary of $70K?
        • 请问你在小公司主要做啥?感觉小公司的确不需要CGA.
      • 想加问一句你公司paid ur tuition/member fee/PD ?(我猜没有)。至于"CGA拿到证后公司给加薪是业内的共识"的说法中要clarify的是"业内对CGA高度认可的公司"。感觉你的老板和公司不在其中。建议:最好是别纠结70K 是 under- /over- paid for a new CGA的问题上.
    • 1) As a new CGA, comparing to mean or median salary is a bit aggresive. 2) 70K is not minimum, is 25th percentile, which means there 25% of CGA's salary <=70K
      3) Position is more important, median level for accountant position is only $63k, even less then you are gettiing
      4) I am not a CGA, but just talking in common sense
    • Your compensation depends more on what you do less on letters behind your name, especially after you have more years of experience. $70K is a good pay for an accountant without knowing what you do.
    • 你老板的却莫测
      • CGA拿到证后公司给加薪是业内的共识。倒不是说一夜之间能力就提高了。加薪应该是对CGA价值的一种认可。如果没有含金量,还有谁会去学它呢?


    • 70K is not bad for a new CGA. The results of the survey are biased as it is understandable that those having higher salaries are more likely to respond to the survey.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The actual average should not be that high. I got my CGA about half a year earlier than you and I am making less than you. I even did not tell my employer that I was designated at that time although my supervisor kind of knew it, let alone asking for a raise. She pretended not to know probablly because the company has not being doing well financially, and I did not mention this either mostly because I have planned to move. I saw my salary doubled in the first two years with this company, but it stagnated after that in the past year or so. I was even denied some of the benefits that I should be entiled to at my level. There are two colleagues in the same position as I am, and they both make much more than I do in addition to some of the benefits. They have many years of experience in this industry though. But we are basically doing the same thing, and I am probally doing a better job. I don't feel sorry for myself. They are close to the end of their careers, whereas I just get started and have a bright future.

      It is true that many companies do not need CGAs. Or rather, what the employeers care more are what the candidates can do. Some companies may explicitly require CGA desginations for certain positions because CGAs are assumed to possess certail qualifications acquired in the certification process. Overall, there is an oversupply of desginated accountants in the market, and salaries have been pushed low, very unfortunately.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Thanks wrongway! Couldn't agree with you more. In accounting area, when people reach to senior or top levels, there would be less opportunities and slower promotions. I saw people I know who was CFO or VP,Fin., but had to spend more than a year to
        Thanks wrongway! Couldn't agree with you more.

        In accounting area, when people reach to senior or top levels, there would be less opportunities and slower promotions. I saw people I know who was CFO or VP,Fin., but had to spend more than a year to get another jobs, or reduced their pay from 6 figures to 5.
    • 以我个人经验来看,薪水不是决定一切的。
      • In the earlier years of your career, experience is more important than money.
        However, after you have acquired some nice experiences that make you an attractive candidate in the job market, you can start to enjoy life by looking for a high-paying job, possibly close to your home.
    • I think the pay is very good for a new CGA unless you already have a lot experience.
    • 建议建议,看看那些个找不到工作的。现在CGA一抓一大把都在找工作呢。还是把小尾巴低下来,给老板好好干吧。
    • 我认为你既然已经说出了市场价值,当务之急是骑驴找马。老板认为公司付不起,没有必要再留恋。70K是因为你起薪低,给你加1万已经是比较不错的了。