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针对小acct firm,修改了一下,请各位指正。我现在情况是很尴尬,毕业大半年晃着就过去了,希望自己能开始认真对待找工作这件事! 略去了开头联系方式部分,多谢了!

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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 麻烦各位帮我看看简历,屡投不中,自我感觉简历是不是有问题,欢迎批评斧正。。。。 plus后天去cga的career EXPO,除了问你们要不要人然后留下简历,不知道该说什么做什么了。。。 叩谢!!!
    • 背景不差,各式弄一下,刚去完爱城跟卡城,感觉那边机会多的是。。广发简历吧。而且那边的CGA有发email提醒你应该怎么面对career EXPO.没记错有6个tips吧。都是大公司。。很难得有这么个机会。。不过有多少工作是个问号。回来记得发一下信息噢。。谢谢。
      • 报告一下
        还有几家能源,建筑公司,我挨个问过,基本上都是职位open,还不错。sun life 和ATB俩家finance公司,表示会和我联系,不过都是financial adviser职位。
    • 你的简历还有很大的空间可以改善。这里提3点:加强qualifications and skill summary 并且提到简历最开始;你要突出你有工作经验,把education放到最后;强化Sun Life的经验。
    • 看你这个毕业时间,去年秋季事务所一个都没申请吗?那个时候应该也有不少大公司招毕业生,都错过了?
      • 大概是准备不足,全都失利了。。。
        • 你现在有点尴尬,已经PACE了,还没有一点本地经验。小公司不敢招,知道你一定跑。大公司招新人一般是赶着毕业的时候。事务所只喜欢刚毕业的,而且CA firm不一定愿意招CGA student。建议现在试试小事务所,快到报税的季节了,可能会需要人手。(本人无事务所经验,纯属臆测)
    • 简历的问题比较大,先仔细看看这篇文章
      • 针对小acct firm,修改了一下,请各位指正。我现在情况是很尴尬,毕业大半年晃着就过去了,希望自己能开始认真对待找工作这件事! 略去了开头联系方式部分,多谢了!
      • ps,其实我都没有正式enroll cga,只是做了evaluation。
        • 问个题外话,评估要交钱吗?
          • 好像也是看情况,我是western的,只是提供了transcript,没收钱,过了几天就给我打电话说可以了,随时交钱就能enroll。另一个朋友montreal过来的,就交了大概200多做valuation。
          • 看,一般安省好像是3,400,多大毕业直接到pace的那个,免费,还有一些别的学校也是,你要去你那个province的网上看。
            • 请教:多大毕业免费enroll是怎么回事?我去年毕业后提交的CGA转学分申请表,交了400元,同时从多大要了个成绩单(从学校另寄往CGA)。但是一直没有收到evaluation的信件,后来找到工作忙到年底就没顾得上。难道要给他们写封信问?
    • 把最近的加拿大工作经验放到前面, 中国的放后面,可能更好一些。个人意见。
    • 你简历的顺序不对,重要的都要放前面,学历放最后就可以了,至少有60%的修改空间。你在网上搜搜别人,好好改改。
      • 另一个版本,又做了一些修改,麻烦各位指点一下。
        • Avoid using empty word . I would remove "Intelligent and diligent recent graduate" , " superior interpersonal",
          and " average grade over 70% " b/c in accounting 70 % it is not very high ( by no mean to offend you. Just my personal opinion) Aslo, I think you don't have to put ( 4 years ) after bachelor. We all know degree normally needs 4 years (120 credits). if your major is accounting then just say major in accounting...

          You might say : Seeking a position of junior staff accountant in public practice. ( unless public practice is your only choice, otherwise, you shouldn't put it there b/c it will narrow your choice)

          You are a new grad, should focus more about your knowledge of accounting. Such as IFRS . ASPE... and knowledge of corporation and personal taxation....
          Stress more working experience that related to accounting...
          • totally agree with you. try not to use the general words to begin with your CV. UNLESS you could demonstrate it by an example.
          • Thanks a lot for your reply. 70%is not my average, its the minimum grade required by the CA credited courses, so I just figured I should put it there saying that I have done all the required courses with satisfactory grades...
            but you are right its kind of misleading, I will delete the 70%.
            I am not exactly sure how to put my experiences there, like which ones to elaborate and which ones to just mention. And my accounting intern was actually from China so i am not sure about its value.
            put IFRS sort of thing there would be a good idea.
        • My 2 cents

          University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, BA of XXX 2008-2012
          2010 Dean's Honors List Student

          什么 4 years, Graduated June 2012 就真的那么重要吗? 有大侠说过,简历不能有一个字是"for decoration only"写一大堆废话,真正重要的内容就看不见了。

          现在很多人还在忙year-end,你先把置顶的文章都读了,再把简历留在这里。等大家帮你看看。 你简历需要用心改,Sunlife 的工作内容写的不好,多看看workopolis的job description。

          "毕业大半年晃着就过去了"过去了就过去了,有人问起来就说周游列国去了。先静下心来改简历,同时准备面试. 你简历问题比较大,要一个字一个字改。

          Good luck!
          • thanks a lot, working on it!
    • 简历里千万不能有错别字。另外遣词造句可以找英语土著推敲推敲。这些都是 low hanging fruits,不摘可惜。