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Extracted from PERC Student Guide:

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛"Locate a verifier.
 If your supervisor is not an approved professional accountant, meet with your supervisor to determine if there is an approved professional accountant in the organization who has first-hand knowledge of your work and who is in a position to verify your professional experience. Either you or your supervisor can then ask that individual to act as your verifier.
 To act as your verifier, a qualified professional accountant within your organization must hold a position at a responsibility level equal to or higher than that of your supervisor.
 If there is no qualified professional accountant employed where you work, you must identify and make arrangements with a qualified professional accountant to act as your verifier.
 Meet with your supervisor to identify qualified professional accountants outside the organization who are knowledgeable about the organization and who might act as a verifier for the purposes of your PERC. You must have your supervisor’s permission to contact the external verifier directly, or to share confidential information with anyone outside the organization."

Hope this helps!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 1月18交PERC,1月30通过! 赞一下CGA-BC 的效率 :)
    • 这个好神速!
      • 打错了。我17号晚上提交,18号一早supervisor就verify完毕。昨天下午出结果。真心感谢我supervisor和CGA-BC的PERC审核员。
    • can you please tell me when we are allowed to fill out the PERC form?
      • 按照CGA的说法,还剩10门课的时候就可以开始填写PERC了。我个人是在考完PA1才填报的。
        • 我现在还剩10门,也可以写了,不知现在提交会不会太早?
          • 你可以先进入你的PERC帐号看看,有相关经验的就填上。里面可以自我评估。如果 你觉得 差不多了,就可以提交了。
            我在提交 之前先给我上司看过。如果 你通过 了的话,要在3年之内完成剩下的课,否则就要提交新的PERC。
            • 请问如何做自我评估,很怕按错键了。
              • 能做几次自我评估还是没有限制的,谢谢先。
                • 不好意思,这几天没来看。
                  进入Preofessional Experience(左栏),页面上可以看到Employment Files,Requirements Assessment和Review Comments。点Requirements Assessment可以看到Employment History,Include选择"All",然后点Assess. 下面Consolidated Professional Experience会告诉你Requirements Met或者Under Development。这看多少遍都没有关系的。
                  • 谢谢。我现在也开始写,每个问题用2句回答差不多嘛?
                    • 很难说。关键是把意思表达清楚就可以了。有些地方一句话就可以,有些地方可能需要解释得详细一点。
                      • 那个自我评估用处大吗?那应该自是根据CLAIM了多少项来算的吧,并不能去读到底写的什么。 自己写好后是不是打印下来给老板看,然后就直接在网上提交了(是那个按键呢?)谢谢。
                        • 自我评估的确是按照你填了多少来算的,具体内容是不是符合要求还要CGA最后评估的.
                      • 你是那个行业 呀? 我快在小小CA FIRM3年了,觉得这个经验评估的难度比考试还大,还难预测能不能过,如果过不了,是不是得换工作在等上1年多再评估呢?
                        • 我在零售业6年。看过PERC的要求,觉得哪里有欠缺的时候,我就和上司谈。
                          万一通不过,CGA会给个回馈意见(过了也会告诉你哪里有不足的).不知道你老板怎么样,如果TA愿意帮你一把,我个人觉得 一动不如一静。毕竟新到一个公司也有个了解和被了解的过程。如果老板不帮忙,只有再作打算了。

                          • 好谢谢你的意见,我的英文写作不是太好,可以讲什么是"遣词造句一定要注意?
                            • 我对他这句话的理解是:要用贴切的词。
                              比如我每天要查各分店的银行帐,可以写"check bank balance", 或者"monitor cash flow".后一种表达更真实地反映了我的工作内容,因为我要根据帐户余额调配资金。有时侯因为英文的问题,我们无法表达清楚, 如果因此把专业经验写成了初级经验,那就太冤了。
                              • thank you so much.
        • 楼主,我pm你了一些相关问题,请查收。谢谢
          • 回了.请查收.
            • thank you.
    • If my supervisor is not designated accountant, is he qualufied to do the verification? thanks
      • Extracted from PERC Student Guide:
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛"Locate a verifier.
         If your supervisor is not an approved professional accountant, meet with your supervisor to determine if there is an approved professional accountant in the organization who has first-hand knowledge of your work and who is in a position to verify your professional experience. Either you or your supervisor can then ask that individual to act as your verifier.
         To act as your verifier, a qualified professional accountant within your organization must hold a position at a responsibility level equal to or higher than that of your supervisor.
         If there is no qualified professional accountant employed where you work, you must identify and make arrangements with a qualified professional accountant to act as your verifier.
         Meet with your supervisor to identify qualified professional accountants outside the organization who are knowledgeable about the organization and who might act as a verifier for the purposes of your PERC. You must have your supervisor’s permission to contact the external verifier directly, or to share confidential information with anyone outside the organization."

        Hope this helps!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 请问楼主,这个GUIDE是哪里找到的啊?
          • 这是BC的网站,我相信其他省的网站上也有的。
    • 1月28号提交,2月13号通过,安省。
      • 恭喜!请问你每项Competency都claim了吗?我assurance和tax都没有claim,还有可能通过吗?
      • 恭喜! 看来竞争真是有好处, CGA的效率提高了.