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Congratulations and well wishes! A few personal tips for your consideration and hope apprenticeship will complete with a flying mark :-)!

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. Think twice before you ask any question relating to technical proficiency at work.

2. Use all possible resources in preparing for CA exams, especially a mentor that fits your study style.

3. Whatever you do, think with a mind of one level up, e.g. if you are an associate, think in the shoe of a senior associate / team lead; if you are a senior associate, imagine you were the manager responsible for the job. Professional maturity is very much appreicated.

4. Don't be bothered too much if you get a bad/unfair performance evaluation or any other possible complaint/intimidation from peers or clients. Once you get your designation, they don't mean anything to you any more.

5. Be careful with the instructions your team lead or senior associate gives you. Stick to your best sense of the best way to perform audit procedures, discuss with the manager/partner whenever you have a chance and engage contrcuctive discussion with your senior. Document discussion if nesessary. A young apprentice being misguided by seniors who do not know what they are doing is a common scene at CA firms.

6. Document all new skills you obtained from every audit/tax job for addition to your resume. Establish a positive relationship with manager and partners to explore your future career paths. Stick to a major industry in Alberta for more job opportunities in the industry later.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 终于拿到CA training firm的offer
    去年毕业,安省转战AB省,没想到到这一个月就拿到一家中型ca firm的offer。
    • 恭喜恭喜!你的贴喜气洋洋地,让看的人都忍不住微笑了:)
    • Congratulations! I also feel happy for you...
    • 恭喜恭喜。祝新工作一切顺利。
    • congrats, welcome be part of CA family
    • 恭喜
    • 恭喜了
      • 真羡慕啊,像我们这托家带口的,挪个窝可是个非份之想。
    • MN没在那边过上年的圣诞?俺到的那天可是-28度啊。。还没算感受温度。。不过确实职场感觉好很多。
    • Congratulations and well wishes! A few personal tips for your consideration and hope apprenticeship will complete with a flying mark :-)!
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. Think twice before you ask any question relating to technical proficiency at work.

      2. Use all possible resources in preparing for CA exams, especially a mentor that fits your study style.

      3. Whatever you do, think with a mind of one level up, e.g. if you are an associate, think in the shoe of a senior associate / team lead; if you are a senior associate, imagine you were the manager responsible for the job. Professional maturity is very much appreicated.

      4. Don't be bothered too much if you get a bad/unfair performance evaluation or any other possible complaint/intimidation from peers or clients. Once you get your designation, they don't mean anything to you any more.

      5. Be careful with the instructions your team lead or senior associate gives you. Stick to your best sense of the best way to perform audit procedures, discuss with the manager/partner whenever you have a chance and engage contrcuctive discussion with your senior. Document discussion if nesessary. A young apprentice being misguided by seniors who do not know what they are doing is a common scene at CA firms.

      6. Document all new skills you obtained from every audit/tax job for addition to your resume. Establish a positive relationship with manager and partners to explore your future career paths. Stick to a major industry in Alberta for more job opportunities in the industry later.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 句句精华!实在佩服! 祝好孕!过两年再来个双胞胎的女儿!
        • 知道男女啦?两小子?嘿嘿嘿嘿。恭喜恭喜。以后家里活都有人啦,我现在就训练他们干活了,明年让他们去铲雪。题内话:GC说的不只适用新人和CA啊。
        • 我好羡慕能有双胞胎的。祝好孕!
      • I appreciate your great advice and I also learned from it... Congratulations for your pregnant with twin boys and enjoy the wonderful motherhood soon...
      • 写得太好了!回头看,很多的教训。
      • 谢谢大家的关心和祝愿!希望大家新年都健康随愿!我自己怎么还不知道是两个小子呢??? ;-)难道是吉人预言? 只要健康,啥都行:-)。还没到检查,不过就快了,知道了再和朋友们交代!
        • 多抓紧时间好好休息,好好调养,等娃出来,你就没有那么自由啰。天天看着我家邻居的双胞胎 (5个月大),感觉当妈的真能干。祝你一切顺利,如意!
          • Thanks, I will :-).
        • 恭喜,说不定是龙凤胎喔。
        • 太让人惊喜了,恭喜恭喜!!
        • Hi goingconcern, 我好好好为你高兴!!!!!!!!!你是一个特别热心善良的女孩子. 我代表我全家人祝福你元宵节快乐.
      • Wow,thanks for all these tips! that's exactly what I need now.
        • 请问到AB省申请工作,是不是必须在AB省有地址,如果用安省的地址是不是就没有这么多面试了,请介绍一下你的经验。谢谢!
          • 应该是的,我投简历的时候,基本都是当天或者第二天打电话叫面试,现在的工作面试后三天就给offer了,速度很快的。
            • 谢谢!我是想帮我儿子问,他现在是Business School 3 年级,现在正在找暑期工作,他的目标也想进 CA Firm, 可是第一份在安省的工作很难找,看到你的帖子,我觉得很受鼓舞,我鼓励他去AB 省去找工作,你能给一些建议吗?
    • 我在cga 网上search 工作的时候是所有的省都选的,怎么觉得ab没什么工作呢,主要是安省的工作。
      • 我们CGA-ON 的ID 不能log in 进去CGA-AB的。。除非他们在CGA-AB那边实在难找适合的人才post过来这边。你要有认识CGA-AB那边的人,让他们给你ID你进去看看就知道了。
    • 对了,除了上面的问题,还有一个问题,请问你在AB省,是在哪个网站上上找到CA Firm的工作,可能会经常有问题打扰你,多谢了|!