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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

no offence, just different opinions.

In samll-medium companies, you are right--there is no fine line between these two because small companies normally do not have to separate finance and accounting departments due to the size of the business.

BUT In big companies, financial analyst and accountant are totally different, they belong to different team, work in different area, have different skills and background---in general, financial analysts support business from financial perspective, most of them are CMAs; Accountants are responsible for accounting transactions, most of them are CGAs.
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  • 咨询各位高手,我是U.S CPA,现在继续加拿大CGA or CMA?到底选哪个呢?
    我将在近期拿到美国CPA license,然后打算继续加拿大的CGA 或者CMA,我有加拿大本科会计学历,可是我拿不定主意,到底上哪个呢?哪个对我来说更快些,CMA entrance exam因为有协议应该可以免,然后还要继续2年,CMA 和CA在谈合并,CGA够呛看来,CGA我估计也得学两年,我现在拿不定主意,到底学哪个???请教各位的宝贵意见,不胜感激!!!!
    • "CGA够呛看来"........如果你是这样判断CGA的将来,就没必要学CGA了。
      • 本人不大了解情况,最近才开始关注,却发现不知道该学哪个了。是否都去评估再决定,如果cga只让我参加PA1, PA2就省下很多时间,万一让我学pace level的课程,时间就又得2年了,和cma一样,真是难以选择,请高手给个意见吧
        • 如果只读PACE LEVEL 只要一年。我就是一年拿下来了。比CMA快。
          • 请问你学的pace level两门+PA1,PA2,一年就能完成吗?你的情况和我相同吗?当初cga评估让你学几门总共呢,谢谢了
            • 我是一年学完的。当时评估我需要考4门PACE LEVEL的课加上BC2。我是一个学期一门,夏天和一个PACE LEVEL的课一起学的BC2。BC2很容易,没有考试,只是一个PROJECT.
    • CMA for financial analysis; CGA for accounting
      • There is no fine line between financial analyst and accountant in accounting department.
        • no offence, just different opinions.
          In samll-medium companies, you are right--there is no fine line between these two because small companies normally do not have to separate finance and accounting departments due to the size of the business.

          BUT In big companies, financial analyst and accountant are totally different, they belong to different team, work in different area, have different skills and background---in general, financial analysts support business from financial perspective, most of them are CMAs; Accountants are responsible for accounting transactions, most of them are CGAs.
          • Check job posting for FA as well as accountant, most of them request CA/CMA/CGA. The skill set and experience are more important than a title only.
            • CGA is designed to be a bookkeeper rather than an analyst and the skill set developed from CGA program is less competitive to be a financial analyst in large/globla companies, which prefer to hire CMA, MBA or CA in general.
              • 您这里直接给全体CGA降级成bookkeeper了。 俗话怎么说来着,一桶水不响,半桶水晃荡。
                • 说得好。
                • 忠言逆语。我知道坛里绝大部分是CGA OR CGA CANDIDATES, 我的话很多人会不高兴。但请仔细想一想:
                  忠言逆语。我知道坛里绝大部分是CGA OR CGA CANDIDATES, 我的话很多人会不高兴。但请仔细想一想:
                  1. 大部分CGA是不是大部分时间做得是BOOKPEEPER的事, even though he has a title as accountant or financial analyst.
                  2. CMA没有CGA会计学得多(很多CMA不懂会计),但平均挣得比CGA多很多, 因为bookkeeper cheap.(相信在座的如果你是CFO OR working close with CFO,你也许会感到在CFO 眼里,ACCOUNITNG IS THE LEAST IMPORTANT because financial people always bypass accountants to make significant adjustments before submit financial reports.)
                  3.任何人都能ENROLL IN CGA PROGRAM,通过一门考试都搞得像范进中举,是不是CGA总体素质比CMA和CA差?

                  不少CGA素质高也不是BOOKKEEPER,但我的观点是: 如果有得choose,CMA is better than CGA in the long run.
                  • The average salary of CMAs may be higher because many CMAs are also MBAs. This does not mean that CMA is a better desgination. If you compare those CGA + MBA and CMA + MBA, you may find a different answer.
                    • 开始读你的MBA了吗?不论将来做什么,扎实的会计基本功还是要的。
                      • 上周刚面过,两周给结果。
                  • 你个人的看法和经历代表了“大部分”?
                  • Do you agree the CEO, CFO of Nortel should be sent to Jail?
                    I agree that average CMA earns more than CGA. why? i think a lot of them don't know accounting principal. they just made any adjustment to improve their profit line to get more bonus. So what they did is cheating the bank, CRA and investors. Think about you bought a lot of Nortel stocks based on their financial statements, but now your stock worth 0. What you will say? After you answer this question, and then please post your comments here.
                • 咱们说点儿别的吧。
    • 谢谢各位,看来我还是学cga吧,估计能快点。先评估看看。我给cga打了电话,他们要CPA membership letter,看来cpa应该有些用
      • 如果你在加拿大以外的国家拿的US CPA,建议考CA reciprocal exam。一个考试就能拿CA。我打算今年考。有兴趣可以一起复习。
        • 我是在加拿大拿的U.S CPA,是不是就没戏了啊
          • 在加拿大拿的CPA不行。
        • 怎么定义从加拿大以外拿的呢?我在加拿大时考完的,但是申请证书所用的经验是用中国的。谢拉
          • 你考试的时候人要在加拿大以外的国家。这里是link,你自己看定义吧:
            • 我刚刚又仔细看了一下那个link。好像规则又变以,跟我申请的时候不一样了。你仔细看看吧,看你是否符合要求。