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How to deal with unfair engagement review in a CA firm? Should I just take it or fight for myself?

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛A new manager joined the firm recently and his working style is different. I want to say his technical part is really weak as a manager and throughout the engagement he had to rely on me and my co-worker to do the technical research, communicate with client, other managers and partners. On the other hand, he created like hundreds of queries a lot of which we don't think quite sensible. The file is not a clean one and has many technical issues. Plus the client is also not a cooperative or competent one. So in the end, we got the work done, but significantly over budget.

I did my file review this the manager. While I do have relatively better comments for technical competency and communication with client, I got some very negative comments like not able to monitor time vs budget (given the circumstances I don't know what else I can do), not care about FS disclosure (so not true. cause I always take my file very seriously. I got comments like I care what I do from client. The reason why he made that comment is I asked the question "is it really necessary" sometimes), show frustration when having to stay late so not performing the best I can, etc. (I can only remember one day I told him I need to go home at 4 to have dinner for the Lunar New Year. But given that's a Sat and I already worked since 9:30 in the morning, I think that's quite reasonable. In fact we stay really late many days till after 12.) I just feel a lot of the comments are really subjective and generalized. Overall, if I were a 3rd party reading this, I will think this staff has some attitude issue which is not fair.

I know one review is not the end of the world. But I don't think it's fair to get a sub par review after working so hard and contributed so much on a file.

What would you do under this kind of situation?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • How to deal with unfair engagement review in a CA firm? Should I just take it or fight for myself?
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛A new manager joined the firm recently and his working style is different. I want to say his technical part is really weak as a manager and throughout the engagement he had to rely on me and my co-worker to do the technical research, communicate with client, other managers and partners. On the other hand, he created like hundreds of queries a lot of which we don't think quite sensible. The file is not a clean one and has many technical issues. Plus the client is also not a cooperative or competent one. So in the end, we got the work done, but significantly over budget.

    I did my file review this the manager. While I do have relatively better comments for technical competency and communication with client, I got some very negative comments like not able to monitor time vs budget (given the circumstances I don't know what else I can do), not care about FS disclosure (so not true. cause I always take my file very seriously. I got comments like I care what I do from client. The reason why he made that comment is I asked the question "is it really necessary" sometimes), show frustration when having to stay late so not performing the best I can, etc. (I can only remember one day I told him I need to go home at 4 to have dinner for the Lunar New Year. But given that's a Sat and I already worked since 9:30 in the morning, I think that's quite reasonable. In fact we stay really late many days till after 12.) I just feel a lot of the comments are really subjective and generalized. Overall, if I were a 3rd party reading this, I will think this staff has some attitude issue which is not fair.

    I know one review is not the end of the world. But I don't think it's fair to get a sub par review after working so hard and contributed so much on a file.

    What would you do under this kind of situation?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • i come across similar situation but not as complex as u r.
      My manager was newly hired from big 4 and he/she is not familiar with working with small, messy files so he/she always had a lot of review notes on my work although I think I did a rasonably good job on the engagement. What my advice are u cannot judge urself based on his negative comments on one particular engagement. just do a few files with him and understand his approach as everyone is different. too early to think now
      • Thanks! I do agree that different people have different styles.
        Thanks! I do agree that different people have different styles. I do appreciate his very detailed oriented everything-needs-to-be-perfect style. I myself is kind of a perfectionist. Given the tight budget and deadline, I already did the best I can. I find his review comments to be very discouraging, too subjective and not professional in the wording. For example, he quote my question of "is it really necessary" to conclude I am not concerned about FS disclosure. I only said that regarding certain documentation in the file, not the FS itself. I honestly put like many many hours to get the disclosure in compliance. I guess I just don't feel appreciated after those hard work.
        • After reading your original post, I want to suggest
          it is a little inappropriate to say to your boss, is this necessary? a little surprised he picked up the exact words from you. That is kind of challenging him as your boss. I always say something before that, like, I am not sure... or something like, sorry, I just thought I need to confirm this with you before going ahead...

          Put myself in his shoes, he is new face. Need to set up his authority or influence power there, or just sensible to be challenged by a seasoned staff in this new office.

          What you can do right now, is kind of to make the noise in the office. I am not sure you can win something. If I were you, I will keep silent for now. Let the complain to come out from somewhere else if he is really the guy like what you described. Try to be more -cooperative, give each of you a little bit more time and decide what is next step.

          My 2 cents. BTW, i am not the senior one. just thinking something like office politics.
          • good!!!
            • Thanks everyone for the suggestions.
              I do understand he wants to set up authority. My long-term goal is not to stay. Maybe I should just calmly discuss my comments and try not to piss him.
              I think it's not good to leave those comments in my file either.
    • 昨天的贴被版主删了呀?俺就是想知己知彼,长点知识。语言也没不和谐呀。哎,算了。