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Our company had the same problem a long time ago. We got the money back through the insurance company, as we had the insurance for it.

Then later, our company set up the system with the bank. All cheques data went to the bank at first. When someone tries to cash the check, the check will be checked by the bank system compared to our data. But the bank charged the fee for this service. For small companies, you don't need to set up this service, but at least you need to access your bank account every day to view all the cheques cashed. Normally bank can refund the cheques cashed within 2-3 days. I think it will be difficult to get the money back from the bank for your situation. Good luck!
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  • 如何解决forged check 问题?
    老板使用一家BOOKKEEPING公司做bank reconciliation。BOOKKEEPING公司在做bank reconciliation时发现我们的银行兑现了一张forged check。老板向银行索赔。但是银行申称我们申报的时间太晚了,已经超过三个月了,不能赔偿。(去年11月的,但是BOOKKEEPING公司今年2月底才做的reconciliation,所以刚发现。)我们应该怎么做才能挽回损失?挺头疼的事,请大家帮忙,多谢了。

    银行说超过三个月什么的,但是如果forged check 比较逼真,我们是有义务及时发现并告知银行。但是从bank statement上看到的伪造支票图样,很明显和其他我们公司的支票不一样,公司名称下面有一条横线,但是我们的支票都没有。银行支付这样非常明显的伪造支票,是不是银行的Negligence。如果是银行的Negligence,只要我们的一年以内向银行所赔,银行都因该赔偿。
    • 那确实太久了。银行应该可以查出来,钱进了哪个帐户。应该要报警吧。至少一个月做一次。我们的要求是每天做一次,忙的时候隔天。
    • 有三个月的说法?我之前遇到好多次altered cheque,最大一次是8万多。最后近一年几乎每个月都有,第一次知道有三个月说法。银行还是很会推诿的,之前我们有post dated cheque,他们连看都不看就提前全部给cash掉,还说我们应该在cheque上注明某日前不能cash。
    • 看你想不想把钱要回来了。银行的规定是人定的当然可以改。在上法庭之前,银行都有调节仲裁部门。俺建议你别去研究银行的规定,直接找对部门申诉。但首先你要坚信自己是对的,剩下的就看你和老板的本事了。
    • Our company had the same problem a long time ago. We got the money back through the insurance company, as we had the insurance for it.
      Then later, our company set up the system with the bank. All cheques data went to the bank at first. When someone tries to cash the check, the check will be checked by the bank system compared to our data. But the bank charged the fee for this service. For small companies, you don't need to set up this service, but at least you need to access your bank account every day to view all the cheques cashed. Normally bank can refund the cheques cashed within 2-3 days. I think it will be difficult to get the money back from the bank for your situation. Good luck!
    • 三个月的确是有这个说法的,我们是和cibc。我们的做法是每天有专人check避免类似事件发生。不过银行的事情没有一定的,这个说不行,电话挂了,重新再打一个也许就行了。提醒一下即使是私人的bill,如果有要dispute的东西,也是三个月。