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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

会计专业日-CCPAA大型免费公益活动 日期: May 11 2013周六, 12:30-17:00 地点: North York Civic Centre / Council Chamber (地下一层)5100 Yonge Street

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛会计专业日-CCPAA大型免费公益活动

金牌赞助: 注册管理会计师协会安省分会CMA –Ontario

当今财会职场风云变幻,正在学习和已经步入职场的朋友们,同样都面对各种困惑。在专业财会的职业生涯里,需要哪些资格认证?已经拥有证书的专业会计师还有哪些深造的机会?职场之路怎么走?如何磨练自己的沟通和面试技巧? 有哪些增加就业机会的途径? 怎样修改简历?
为了帮助大家更好的规划职业生涯,开阔视野,加中专业会计师协会CCPAA目前正在积极筹划大型职场交流活动—Career Day,为大家提供信息交流,相互讨论的平台。加拿大注册管理师协会CMA,加拿大注册会计师协会CGA,加拿大特许会计师协会CA,特许公认会计师公会ACCA ,加拿大资产评估师CBV和CFA金融分析师都将派代表为大家介绍各种职业资格的特点。 同时,我们还邀请了著名的猎头公司为大家介绍求职技能。 

日期: May 11 2013周六, 12:30-17:00
12:30 PM 签到(请大家提前报名,以便预留座位)
1:00 PM-2:00PM 加拿大会计职业资格介绍
 加拿大注册管理师协会CMA
Lori Dalton, CMA, Marketing Director GTA-East CMA
 加拿大注册会计师协会CGA
Carmen Jacques, CGA, Business Development Manager
 加拿大特许会计师协会CA
Richard Piticco, CPA, CA, CFA and the Institute’s Director of CA Training Office
2:00PM-3:45PM 职业发展
 CA Post-designation Education
Susan Cox, CPA, CA and the Institute’s Director of Professional Development
 特许公认会计师公会ACCA
 加拿大资产评估师 CBV
 金融分析师 CFA
3:45-4:00PM 休息
4:00PM-4:45PM 求职技能
 Robert Half-Social Media 
 PTC-Interview Skills
 Recruiting Firm- Most sought skills in job market/Resume

地点: North York Civic Centre / Council Chamber (地下一层)
 5100 Yonge Street (On the west side of Yonge Street, five blocks north of Sheppard Avenue) Toronto, ON M2N 5V7
 地铁: North York Centre Station
 地下停车场周六加币5元/天

语言: 英语
 最多容纳 300人, 按照报名时间优先预留座位, CCPAA 会员有优先权注册
 在线注册及详情,请登陆WWW.CCPAA.CA
 传真 416-9018539, 邮箱onconference@ccpaa.ca
 电话咨询:4166629889 (Rubin) , 6472424388(Allen)
 报名截止日期:2013年5月8日 周三


CCPAA 2013 Career Day

Golden Sponsor: CMA-Ontario

In today’s high speed and fast changing work environment, both university candidates and experienced professionals are facing various confusions for their career. What are the designations demanded in the professional accounting field? What are the in-depth certificates available for designated accountants? How to advance in career development? How to sharp our communication and interview skills? What are the paths for more and better job opportunities? How to modify our resumes?
To help professional accountants and candidates to better plan career development and expand horizons, CCPAA is proactively planning its first ever Career Day event, building an information flow platform.

Date: May 11 Saturday 2013, 12:30-17:00
12:30 PM Reception
1:00 PM-2:00PM Canadian Accounting Designations
 CMA Lori Dalton, CMA, Marketing Director GTA-East CMA
 CGA , Carmen Jacques, CGA, Business Development Manager
 CA Richard Piticco, CPA, CA, CFA and the Institute’s Director of CA Training Office
2:00PM-3:45PM Continuous Professional Development
 CA Post-designation Education
Susan Cox, CPA, CA and the Institute’s Director of Professional Development
3:45-4:00PM Break
 Robert Half-Social Media
 PTC-Interview Skills
 Recruiting Firm- Most sought skills in job market/Resume
Venue: North York Civic Centre/Council Chamber
 5100 Yonge Street (On the west side of Yonge Street, five blocks north of Sheppard Avenue) Toronto, ON M2N 5V7
 Public transit: subway to North York Centre Station
 Parking is $5/day

Language: English
Fees: Free
Participants: 200-300 audiences who have accounting designation or are interested in accounting designation

Seat Limitation and Enrolment:

 Online Registration: WWW.CCPAA.CA
 Tel:4166629889 (Rubin) , 6472424388(Allen)
 Fax: 416-9018539, Email: onconference@ccpaa.ca
 Deadline:May 8, 2013 , Wed
 Max limit of space: 300 persons. (Online First come, First serve, CCPAA Members have the priority)

The Canadian-Chinese Professional Accountants Association ("CCPAA" Registration No: 1759570) is an independent and not-for-profit organization of Canadian professional accountants who are of Chinese origin and work in accounting, auditing and taxation or the related areas, including banking, investment, insurance, education institutions, government agencies, etc. There are currently two affiliates in Canada, located in Toronto and Vancouver.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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