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Yes. CMA has already merged with CA, and new designation name is CPA

I just finished CMA SLP2 class, and working on Board report. In CMA SLP, the facilitator (just like teacher) told us. CMA and CA have already agreed to merge. the new name is CPA. for next 10 years. the old cma and old CA will use title CPA-cma or CPA-ca. new CPA courses will be offered 2 years later. you can check CPA website.
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  • 请问大家知道CGA/CA/CMA合并后,对所学课程有什么变动?我还没开始accounting之路,先问清楚免得走弯路。多谢。
    • Please look at CGA BC link:
      • 谢谢。先大概浏览了下,有了点印象。
        • 不客气,是应该先研究一下,做到心里有准备。BC这里是突然决定合并的,所以我觉得合并是大势所趋。
    • CGA ontario 不是没参加嘛
      • 不知道以后会不会参加。我还没入门accounting,等我读到cga,不知道得猴年马月。
    • 一定要去university选CA认可的那些课程。CGA Ontario早晚会加入的,BC是CGA的大本营。快考完的抓紧考完。如果估摸着不能在2014年底考完,PACE LEVEL要选FN2, AU2, 或TX2,其它的在新program里没有类似课程,包括PA1, PA2。
      • 我们上课时,老师讲了一些关于合并的事,他说至少还要10年,才有可能合并。
        • 也就两三年的时间吧。安省CA和CMA基本上已经合并了。
          • Yes. CMA has already merged with CA, and new designation name is CPA
            I just finished CMA SLP2 class, and working on Board report. In CMA SLP, the facilitator (just like teacher) told us. CMA and CA have already agreed to merge. the new name is CPA. for next 10 years. the old cma and old CA will use title CPA-cma or CPA-ca. new CPA courses will be offered 2 years later. you can check CPA website.
          • yes. the new Ontario CPA courses will be offered in 2 years. .
            it is said new CPA will be very similar to CA process. 3 tests. current CMA if you want to upgrade full CPA, you will have to take some courses(tax and auditing) then take a exam. if not, your designation will be CPA-cma.
            CMA CA CGA merging is decided by provincial offices. Albert has already offered CPA course.
            • Just curious: if CPA-CMA (after merger) can transfer to full CPA which is not followed with “ –CMA” tag anymore, without taking extra exam, after 10 years? Thanks.
              • I might type wrong. current CMA can be titled CPA-cma, not full function CPA unless you take extra courses.
                • So, What's the meaning of 10 years period in your first posting?
                  • good catch..
                    I think what I want to say is in 10 years, cma and CA still can issue designations respectively. but after 10 years, only 1 designation from CMA and CA. that's CPA-cma. and CPA. if i understand correctly, CA can fully transfer to CPA. but CMA are not unless you pass a exam. Somehow i saw my cma handout has a cpa-cma logo..

                    for detail, go to CMA website: www.cma-ontario.org
                  • During the 10 years period, you are tagged with your legacy desginations, such as CPA, CA; CPA, CGA; and CPA, CMA, unless you get your desgination under the new CPA program.
                    After ten years, it becomes the same for everyone as you do not need to indicate your legacy desginations.
                    • Thank you for explanation of the situation after 10 years. It's the same as my previous understanding.
                • 你贴的那个就是如果想拿掉tag要上的extra courses吗?