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WSIB rate是根据员工的工作内容和性质来定的,如果都是办公室工作人员就用一个rate就好了,如果有别的工作的话就要按不同的rate,这WSIB Rate的链接是 http://www.wsib.on.ca/en/community/WSIB/230/ArticleDetail/24338?vgnextoid=002c768461e8a310VgnVCM100000469c710aRCRD

EHT的话,如果你们公司 属于以下一类的话,
Eligible employers generally include the following:
• private sector employers
•organizations that receive financial assistance from any level of government but are not under the control of government
•Crown corporations that are subject to federal income tax under Part I of the federal Income Tax Act (ITA).
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • ask a entry level question, use Quickbooks, how to remit the WSIB and EHT? thanks
    • 不知道quickbooks有没有这个功能,但是WSIB和EHT都可以用手算
      WSIB rate是根据员工的工作内容和性质来定的,如果都是办公室工作人员就用一个rate就好了,如果有别的工作的话就要按不同的rate,这WSIB Rate的链接是 http://www.wsib.on.ca/en/community/WSIB/230/ArticleDetail/24338?vgnextoid=002c768461e8a310VgnVCM100000469c710aRCRD

      EHT的话,如果你们公司 属于以下一类的话,
      Eligible employers generally include the following:
      • private sector employers
      •organizations that receive financial assistance from any level of government but are not under the control of government
      •Crown corporations that are subject to federal income tax under Part I of the federal Income Tax Act (ITA).
    • thanks for your answer