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Your calculation makes sense too. Another way to look at it...MBA can extend the career life time. For example(in a conservative way), if a person had a MBA, he/she may work until 60 probably in a position

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛which will pay him/her 150k when he/she reaches 60. He/she only needs to work 2 more years than the non-BMA situation which he/she may retire at 58 and get paid for about 100k then. From this perspective, the payback horizon for a MBA can be calculated more accurately by a NPV analysis and years of payback method.

The comparison of MBA or non-MBA can't apply between the individual and other people. It makes more sense to compare to himslef/herself with or without MBA. There are a lot of people who don't have any A but still can make more money than MBAs. It's all about the difference for the specific individual to take a MBA or not. If it will make a big difference-go for it. Otherwise, why bother.

If a person is not sure of the difference, that's ok because MBA itself is a risky investment. No one said he/she can always get more back than he/she will invest. The things he/she can control is to reduce the risks and increase the posibility of success by building up a stronger networking, the functional skills, the communication/presentation skills etc...MBA is just a training to gain more resources. It doesn't directly link to the person's final achievement but it is a powful tool if he/she use it appropriately.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 求CGA。50-60K。LinkedIn上找Laura Gray。lgray@graylinegrp.com
    Looking for a CGA for a busy consultancy in Toronto. The position pays 50-60K and requires a passion for not for profits and experience managing multiple books + Quickbook proficiency. If you are interested, please contact with Laura.
    • 个人感觉: 就算是new CGA, 50-60K , 是不是有点少?
      • 没拿到CGA钱就多过这个offer的俺对于跳槽前景无比忧虑。
        • 太好了,让我等没有A的信心大增,没有A也能拿超过60K。
          • 看来不是我一个人嫌少啊 :-)
      • 比上次那个4万还要求多多的要好点
      • 现在真的就是脑体倒挂。
        • 我们第一代移民太强调读书强项,忽视其他方面。把市场越做越窄,价格越来越低。会计辛苦pay的又差,特别是低端的。我工作的地方stylist就是给东西摆摆造型,装饰一下,还不化妆,出去买东西就50K-70K。但清一色白MM,人家diploma有没有都是个问题。
          • 严重同意。现在这些A泛滥,雇主很容易就能雇到一个A,所以这些A也贬值了。
          • 我决定50岁退休后自己在家开daycare,带三个小孩子就3K了,跟初级会计差不多。
            • 这个俺肯定干不了。带孩子比当会计累多了。
            • 这个得考证啊,back to square one了,哈哈
        • 突然想起来一句,出来混都是要还的。哈哈。有的事情就是逃不掉的。
          • 哈哈,出来混还是要还的:-D 听上去咋这么像黑社会啊
        • 你这还不算郁闷的。我们公司同事,一年前离开公司去一家审计公司,这个月完成了board report,也就是说马上是CMA了。结果,被审计公司lay off,正好另一个同事离职,结果她又回来了。薪水跟她离开前一样,45K。
          • 嘻嘻,出去混迟早要回来的:P
          • 人家骑驴找马,不差这一会儿。
        • 0.5-1 year can payback all your MBA tuition
          • 不一定。
            • 如果本来事业基础就不错的,那么MBA可以锦上添花,如果本来就不怎么样的,想靠MBA跳龙门。难。
          • 角度不一样。成本是学费加机会成本(上学期间的收入),下来税前20万左右。收获是毕业后收入的增加,每年增加两万(现值)的话,要十年。但我觉得还是值的。
            • Your calculation makes sense too. Another way to look at it...MBA can extend the career life time. For example(in a conservative way), if a person had a MBA, he/she may work until 60 probably in a position
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛which will pay him/her 150k when he/she reaches 60. He/she only needs to work 2 more years than the non-BMA situation which he/she may retire at 58 and get paid for about 100k then. From this perspective, the payback horizon for a MBA can be calculated more accurately by a NPV analysis and years of payback method.

              The comparison of MBA or non-MBA can't apply between the individual and other people. It makes more sense to compare to himslef/herself with or without MBA. There are a lot of people who don't have any A but still can make more money than MBAs. It's all about the difference for the specific individual to take a MBA or not. If it will make a big difference-go for it. Otherwise, why bother.

              If a person is not sure of the difference, that's ok because MBA itself is a risky investment. No one said he/she can always get more back than he/she will invest. The things he/she can control is to reduce the risks and increase the posibility of success by building up a stronger networking, the functional skills, the communication/presentation skills etc...MBA is just a training to gain more resources. It doesn't directly link to the person's final achievement but it is a powful tool if he/she use it appropriately.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
              • 可能我的帖子会得罪mba。不过mba做作业的时候,经常讨论到半夜三更,花费这么多时间。mba自己都算不清楚投入产出比,还能帮企业做这些事情。怪不得loblows虽然从accenture招了那么多顾问,最后的方案就是把房地产拿去上市。主营业务倒是没有什么进展。