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Sorry for being blunt, but this does not seem to me to be a good answer.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛As an outsider, it is not wise to claim that you know something that the interviewer does not know about the company, especially when what you have done is nothing more than cursory research of some public information. Even if you have been working in the same industry for many years, you still need to be cautious in passing on any judgement. The accounting policies could be vastly different even among companies in the same industry. And the financial results you have seen may have been subjected to heavy earnings management. On the other than hand, identifying the problem is one thing but fixing the problem is another. In many cases, it is not difficult to see the problem; what is hard is to find the solution. The gross margins may be lower than industry norms. A certain expense may seem to be too high. The managers there already know these and don’t need to be reminded especially in a way as if they have been overlooking them all the time. After attending a few management meetings, you will find that it is the same problems that are brought up again and again, but the solutions always seem to be elusive.

The answer sounds like that you are a saviour who have come to their rescue. It is not true. You are not the one, and even if you are, they will not trust you. Instead of impressing the interviewer, you end up striking him/her as someone pompous or unrealistic.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 面试问答之Why our company?Why this role?
    “As a career coach, I would come down on the side of the right company over the right role if that’s the choice a job seeker confronts. Why? Because the company culture reflects the values of the leadership — what’s important, how are things done, where are the boundaries, what’s expected? If those elements are not a match, the dissonance can be very difficult to overcome. The ideal — [the] right role in [the] right company — is more likely in a company that fits the individual’s values, character and boundaries, assuming that person has the skills and experience to qualify for the role.” – Marti Benjamin, certified career management coach at Business Energetix-Success Coaching
    • My two cents: An answer could vary from companies. One of my answers was--This comapny is...(who are they,what they do). I pulled your past three years financials. Quite impressive in areas of...But I also spot a potential issue of...
      I would like to discuss with the finance manager if I had a chance to meet him/her in person(you need to show your insights into their business by capturing big drivers in P/L, B/S CF...and poke right to the pain point in a nice way. You may want to remember the key numbers).
      My experience of...fits well very with your requirements of...in the job description...
      (then you can show your interest and willing to work for this company.)
      • Sorry for being blunt, but this does not seem to me to be a good answer.
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛As an outsider, it is not wise to claim that you know something that the interviewer does not know about the company, especially when what you have done is nothing more than cursory research of some public information. Even if you have been working in the same industry for many years, you still need to be cautious in passing on any judgement. The accounting policies could be vastly different even among companies in the same industry. And the financial results you have seen may have been subjected to heavy earnings management. On the other than hand, identifying the problem is one thing but fixing the problem is another. In many cases, it is not difficult to see the problem; what is hard is to find the solution. The gross margins may be lower than industry norms. A certain expense may seem to be too high. The managers there already know these and don’t need to be reminded especially in a way as if they have been overlooking them all the time. After attending a few management meetings, you will find that it is the same problems that are brought up again and again, but the solutions always seem to be elusive.

        The answer sounds like that you are a saviour who have come to their rescue. It is not true. You are not the one, and even if you are, they will not trust you. Instead of impressing the interviewer, you end up striking him/her as someone pompous or unrealistic.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • I have to agree you. You said I would like to say.
      • I have to admit this would further the discussion and no doubt you would impress the interviewer but not necessarily please him/her. Personally, I hardly can take serious any more when interviewing a structured job.
    • 看来要给joymom做个专集了。
      • joymom indeed has done a great job in marketing and networking, which is something most of us are lack of.
        • 谢谢小快. 一点心得体会,想起来就赶快写下来给大家分享. 今年就业情形不好,但尽我所能,让坛子里的朋友能少走我走过的弯路.早日谋得一份逞心如意的工作. 在加拿大,能有一份稳定的工,一切都会变得美好起来. 各位加油啊!
      • 班主是有心人,把我miss掉的贴子全拉了上来,多谢了。
      • 感谢版主支持!
    • 个人观点:这些人都是象牙塔里面的,满嘴子冠冕堂皇,却永远也得不到要领。个人建议:不要听他们的。