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As I said it is a coincident that I found this job.

it was posted as a Sr. Accountant and part time position, however, after discussion with the employer I managed to convince that to achieve the company's objectives requires a full time employee. I think did everything else right, dressing up for interview, following by prompt thank you letter, showing enthusiasm etc. The result turned out to be good. That is why I would like to share and encourage all those who are looking for jobs, keep positive attitude, smile, never give up. Don't get me wrong, I also had discouraging experiences, such as paying $20 parking fees in downtown only to meet with an amateur hiring agent, whose only interest was to sign me on their database. Go out networking, and good luck my friend!
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 现在市场真的很差吗?看到好几个贴说考完了CGA可是发简历还是石沉大海,要么就是都是CGA了,可是雇主给的工资只有5-6万,甚至还不到5万。真的很打击信心啊。
    • 一把年纪的,就算了吧,享受生活。
    • 现在感觉最好不要动。我问了某Agent,他说XX 公司 finance 裁了很多人,XX 公司又要把HO移到美国,这些公司都在多伦多,市场上僧多粥少,除非你很specialized.//虽是一家之言,但可以窥斑见豹。
      • 前两年就说市场不好,现在还是不好,是不是永远好不起来了?
        • 多伦多的话,我是不太看好。没有什么经济增长点,基本看到的都是各行业的regulation的加强。
      • 现在的是个小公司,家族企业。虽然很轻松,工资也算过得去,但是感觉没什么发展。
        • 如果年纪还轻,就应该求变。
      • 那还有没有必要考证呢?
        • 如果决定这辈子就做会计师了,肯定要考证,可能还不止考一个。多伦多听说50%以上都是specialist.
          不过考证和薪水未必见得有什么联系,有证和无证就是在换工作时有10%的差别,这好象是从Robert Half那里听来的。不过如果你不考证,工作又很稳定,可以做到退休那一种,而且公司对你也无这方面要求,那考不考的确没啥影响,就是换工作时的差别。//我以上讲的是市场观点,也就是现在市场就是这么看junior有证会计师的。

    • 不要管市场总体情况如何,我们个人找工作只要一个职位就可以了。 祝各位好运!加油。
      • 恭喜恭喜,能说说你找的是什么职位吗?
        • controller for small business, equivalent to Sr Accountant for large companies
          • Wow, senior position什么时候都不愁找不到工作,中低职位就难了。
            • there are more junior and middle level positions on the market, yet at the same time there are also more applicants competing for those positions. Keep trying, one will get a job eventually.
              as I said job searching is 70% luck and 30% preparation. However, the importance of following proper etiquette cannot be over emphasized, such as business attire, hand shakes, politeness to everybody in your potential employer's office, thank you letters etc. most importantly be confident in yourself and smile. Happy Canada Day, everybody.
            • 我是中低职位,刚找到工作,历时5个月,换了行业。中间part time做了一个月短期。简历请英语好的前辈看看改改,然后就是坚持发,反复做phone interview和 face to face interview的准备。祝你好运!
              • Congrats and thanks for the encouragement. Everyone has to go through the process to find a job. I'll keep trying.
                • the more you try, the more chances you are going to hit the target:-)
                  • Thanks for the sharing. How did you dig out the controller opportunity and do you have samiliar previous experience?
                    I am trying to find a position like yours but don't see many job postings online. Much appreciated.
                    • As I said it is a coincident that I found this job.
                      it was posted as a Sr. Accountant and part time position, however, after discussion with the employer I managed to convince that to achieve the company's objectives requires a full time employee. I think did everything else right, dressing up for interview, following by prompt thank you letter, showing enthusiasm etc. The result turned out to be good. That is why I would like to share and encourage all those who are looking for jobs, keep positive attitude, smile, never give up. Don't get me wrong, I also had discouraging experiences, such as paying $20 parking fees in downtown only to meet with an amateur hiring agent, whose only interest was to sign me on their database. Go out networking, and good luck my friend!
                      • Sounds like you are telling my story :), Very encouraging, I'll count on my luck...
    • 满地尽是Cga和Cga学生。不跳可能也好。这行多赚那么1-2万要付出很多,也要有真本事。