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  • 我有一些Past Exam Paper,谁要的话把email给我
    有以下课程AT1, AU2, FA3, FA3, FN2, MS2, MU1, PF1, TX1, TX2的exam paper,我没有pa1和pa2的,这两门课主要看他们的case就足够了,很多知识点都是重复的。
    • Thanks for sharing! Would you please send me to email jinld98@gmail.com. ? Thanks again!
      • 可不可以给我也发一份, 我的email address: sp2012ing@gmail.com.谢谢
        • 谢谢,我也要一份,maidoudouca@gmail.com
        • Hi, could u please send me copies as well? Much appreciated! email. asun@hotmail.ca
      • I got it. Thank you so much!
      • would you like to send to me AT1, AU2, FN2, TX2 past exam? thanks in advance
    • please send me one to jig_zhang@hotmail.com. thanks.
    • 多谢楼主,TX2,FN2,AU2的请发给我一份,lan035@msn.com
    • 太感激了。能不能给我一份FN2,AU2和TX2。 a13n0424@hotmail.com
    • 您好,我需要AU2,TX2,MS2,FN2,FA3,TX1,能帮我发过来吗?我的邮件地址。XIAOHONG601@YAHOO.COM. 非常谢谢。
      • 我也需要,谢谢! email: yongjunhu@hotmail.com
    • 非常感谢 我也要一份 lasttrain@live.cn
    • 能否发给我FN2, MU1,ann_mlin@yahoo.ca, 多谢。
      • 太感激了。能不能给我一份AU2和TX2. wangliyan18@gmail.com. Many thanks
    • Could you send me past exam paper for TX2 to "frankacc2010@yahoo.ca", thank you and appreciate your kind help.
      • 亲爱的,你真好。我要FN2和TX2的。谢谢了。
        • 忘了给你我邮箱了,太高兴了: jesliuyang@yahoo.com
    • 能不能给我一份MU1,AU2和TX2的 非常感谢。henryczw@gmail.com
    • Please send me one(TX1, AU2, FN2)!!! newlife2013j@gmail.com. I hope I m not late!!
    • TX2, FN2 PLEASE. my email : tinatyx@yahoo.com
      • would you like to send me AT1, AU2, FN2, TX2 past exam to daise306@hotmail.com, thanks
    • 能不能也发我一份 ,谢谢了 kate.q.wu@gmail.com
      • 非常感谢 我也要一份 iayt98@gmail.com
    • 可以给我AU2和TX2吗?谢谢!lianannie@yahoo.com
    • [lease send me copies of AU2, FN2, MS2, MU1, PF1, TX1, TX2 exam paper. Thanks a lot!
    • sorry, here is my email address: evaviva2003@hotmail.com
    • 谢谢你的无私分享和帮助,你列的全部题目都需要!请发到邮箱 marrtinn.t@gmail.com
    • Thank you so much for sharing!! Can you please send the copy for MU1 to wangxun100@hotmail.com
    • Would you please send me MU1 and PF1 past papers please? Much appreciated!!! wangyiting@gmail.com Would you mind also tell me what do you think of these two courses? Thank you very much!!!
    • please email LEDAJIANG@GMAIL.COM. many thanks
    • Can you forward AU2 notes to me, please? I am going to take PA2 this year. My email address is: xca0013@gmail.com
    • 能帮忙全部发给我一份么?多谢无私分享。如果你同意的话,我可以找个网盘上传,这样大家都可以下载,就不用烦劳你一份份的发邮件了。谢谢先!angelbabyt@gmail.com
    • 经楼同意,我已经上传到网盘了,大家点击下面的链接就可以下载了
      • Thanks a lot!
        • 不知道为什么我下载不了 ~~~~(>_<)~~~~ 要怎么办呀