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Pls excuse me can't typing Chinese. I really appreciated your honest, valuable and thorough suggestions. Pls see details as below.

Pls excuse me can't typing Chinese. I really appreciated your honest, valuable and thorough suggestions. It encouraged me greatly. I am feeling the same way. I'd like to ask your opinion regarding the reasonable compensation amount. How much you will ask if you were me or what should I based on to consider the reasonable compensation amount.
I contacted CFO this afternoon. After he raised his package to 10 weeks I asked for 16 instead of 10. He said no and I am going to file a complaint about my case. I believe I deserve a fight. Thanks a lot!
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  • Asking for advice sincerely. Do I have anything to negotiate? Terminating my employment with 2 months package before my returning from maternity leave. 3 years employment period including mat leave. Thanks
    • 试试6个月?
    • 你 休产假期间也会被公司 Lay off 吗?
      • 也可以的,我们公司也干这事。
    • 除了2个月的package,应该还给你理由了。是什么?公司效益不好?给你类似职位你没要?有无工会?理由不用,结果不同
    • 3wks per yr of service。Average package. Manager or above? Age? If the door of negotiat is open, ask for one more month making it 3 months and positive reference in writing.
      • Thanks all your responses. Pls see details as followed:
        Thanks for all your responses. Termination offers 8 weeks package. Due in 5 days. 理由是 performance & language problem based on feedback of previous supervisor. 产假前工作1年8个月。从未接到过任何warning regarding to my performance. 与直接supervisor有过issues. Supervisor是公认的极度controlling但我都是主动协调处理,focus on hard working instead of raising an further issue. 休产假前supervisor与我口头转述产假回来后会face more responsibilities and take over more works。休假前也明确表明了回去上班时间。期间supervisor跳槽。前段时间paid a visit to the office. 上周接到CFO要求another visit. And He gave the termination offer to me in person and accused me for performance & language problem.. 思前想后,实在觉得illegal 且unfair. 理由实在过于牵强。很着急,想fight,不只如何是好?Middle 30, junior accountant 真诚寻求宝贵意见专业信息。Thanks a lot!
        • 公司这么做是有点过分,用这种理由就说以后都没得谈了。你原来performance review有留copy吗?建议花点钱找empolyment lawyer。
        • 公司想要解雇你,有的时候是公司自己有了财务压力或者销售不济需要瘦身。财会作为支持部门被波及很普遍。没有人是完美的,欲加之罪何患无词。所以你不必觉得是自己的过错。我的建议如下:
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛不要签公司给你的赔偿合同。告知公司你认为受到不公正待遇,要求产假回去上班。不然将诉诸法律。公司这个时候应该就会约谈你。然后要求私下解决。你可以到时候提你的条件。不必客气,多要一点。因为不管你要多少,公司都会讨价还价的。我有一个师姐也是和你一个情况,在职14年做到高级经理被产假解雇。还听说有一个人也是这个情况,一说要告公司,公司就私下多给她几个月了事。她的工龄听说不长。如果你这样说了,他们还无动于衷,你可以找一个律师,写个律师函(听说100-300刀不等)给公司。要脸面的公司这个时候就会约谈你了。你的理由可以说好几点:你没有收到过任何形式的关于你表现不佳的警告; 你休假当中公司才意识到你表现差是否明显很牵强; 你最为人生的财务压力时期,有婴儿要喂养,公司这样待遇很不人道,给你造成很大精神伤害等等。。。


          抱歉没有经历过这样的事,所以不能分享跟你一手的处理方案。同为人母,我们面对的压力是难免的,自己多宽宽心吧。有个同事说得好"As a motner, it is too easy for us to die. So we need to learn to love ourselves". 我在的公司,有时候就看见发布告这个也死了那个也死了,还留下两岁的小孩。觉得很为她们惋惜。看见周围认识的人,有的当初挣那么多钱,在外人眼里那么让人羡慕,后来得了很怪的病。其实人生有什么是放不下,大不了的呢?为生活去尽力挣钱吧,但是不要让你的精神被钱绑架了。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • 说的真好! 看了你很多帖子, 感觉你对人生的领悟,对人生的态度是我暂时所无法启及的. 或许正是这些淡定让你达到了你的生活目标. 努力并羡慕ing.
            • 其实这些心得大家都会有,只是早些和迟些。可能我是心态比年龄成熟得着急一些:-)
          • well said!!
          • 赞一下。也希望楼主能放宽心。
      • any support documents regarding 3wks per service year?
        • 2 mth =8 wks,8 wks/2.7yr=approx. 3 wks/yr. 1wk/yr is minimum(by law). 3wks is quite standard termination package in most places I've been to.
          • 哦,我误解了,以为哪里有明文说一年3周赔偿呢。干了8年多了,希望公司能让我走,然后给一个好的package. 3x8=24 周,能在家歇24周又有钱拿就好了。bylaw is 1 service yr 1 wk severance + 1 wk notice up to 8 wks, right? +1
    • 自己顶一下,希望寻求宝贵意见!谢谢
      • 你接受了别人会觉得你很傻,不会给你尊重。要是我一定会谈。谈的起点高点,回报会好点。
      • Pls excuse me can't typing Chinese. I really appreciated your honest, valuable and thorough suggestions. Pls see details as below.
        Pls excuse me can't typing Chinese. I really appreciated your honest, valuable and thorough suggestions. It encouraged me greatly. I am feeling the same way. I'd like to ask your opinion regarding the reasonable compensation amount. How much you will ask if you were me or what should I based on to consider the reasonable compensation amount.
        I contacted CFO this afternoon. After he raised his package to 10 weeks I asked for 16 instead of 10. He said no and I am going to file a complaint about my case. I believe I deserve a fight. Thanks a lot!
        • 支持你一下。陪多少是你觉得合理就合理。16就16. 你该先打电话http://www.labour.gov.on.ca/english/es/ 详细问清你要了解的。之后如果想效果更好,可以考虑律师写信,但那是仲裁不成以后。 +1
        • 你问完CFO以后是立即给的答复还是等了些时候。立即答复你的CFO菜鸟,等一会可能咨询过律师,你要注意。
        • 支持一下。除了要求更多的补偿,老板有没有重新写termination letter 并更改解雇理由呢?确定ROE 的reason 是不是 "A" shortage of work? 不过,你刚修过产假也没有hours/earnings 去申请EI。好运!希望多些赔偿金。
    • 我觉得你要Fight
      所以你一定要fight,而且作为新移民,English is our second language,工作中交流有一些问题是难免,但是能够达到工作的沟通就可以了。
      I am not try to find an excuse for us, as far as you can clear communicate with other co -worker, this Accusation is very hard to approved. unless they have very solid evidence.

      support you.
      • 很多公司炒人并不需要理由,因为termination不同于fire, 如果是为了担心对将来找工作不利, 那大可不必,因为让你走的公司不可以对来查reference的人说具体情况,最多只能证实她的employment period & job title. 即使是被fire,公司也不可以如实告知,这是against the law.
        而且未来公司如果要做reference check, 也只能根据楼主提供的名单来核查, 不会擅自去联系人事部或前任上司。 至于被问起为何离开这家公司,很多理由,最简单的就是corporate restructure due to budget cut etc.
        • 因为让你走的公司不可以对来查reference的人说具体情况,最多只能证实她的employment period & job title。应该不是这样吧。
          • 正式的大公司HR是这样的,我以前的公司是很明确地对我们这么说的。当然私人的reference就爱怎么说怎么说了。