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Pls read below

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Thanks Lynne for posting the link to the CPA website. Until I explored the website, I was undecided. Now I am truly clear what to do. I believe there is a purpose to put CGAs and CMAs into the affiliate member class. It could mean that the majority of the CPA can do whatever they want to do later on to this class as by vote (if the affiliate member have a right to vote equally) the affiliate members as minority cannot change anything. In addition, CGAO has no or a few members in the CPA board cannot influence the decision the CPA board is going to make. Who will hear from the CGAs by then?

This is a beautiful takeover not a merger. The CGAs in other 8 provinces who support merger may not have such issue. It is a issue faced by all CGAs of CGAO. Until such classification or similar is removed, rush into merger is only to surrender our rights and leave us hopeless later on…

Jack Zhu, CGA


From: Lynne Forgette, CGA [mailto:lynne@forgette.ca]
Sent: September-18-13 3:08 PM
To: jack.j.zhu@gmail.com
Subject: Re: [ANDL] clarification

Hi Gary...I think the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario's website info about Ontario CGAs becoming a CPA will help clarify...please see http://www.icao.on.ca/Admissions/MemberCMAOorCGAO/AffiliateMember/1010page16062.aspx

There are affiliate members and associate members - to be an associate member, you have to register as a student and meet the requirements (and you cannot be exempted from writing the UFE...something personally I'm not really interested in having to do right now!), so sure seems to me that CGAs could only "automatically" become a class of member different than the class of member that CAs would receive, hence the different treatment Paul referred to. I'm still not clear on what the difference between the two member options are, apart from the initials used, and am still trying to sift through all the information out there.

By the way, thanks to everyone participating in this forum - there sure is a lot of information to wade through. Personally, I think CGA Ontario has a better understanding of the environment in Ontario than CGA Canada does, and am trusting them to do what is best for us.

Best regards,


Lynne Forgette, B.Comm., CGA

Certified General Accountant

20 Westmeath Crescent

Kanata ON K2K 3B1

Tel: 613-271-0683

Fax: 613-691-1145


www.forgette.ca更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • Pls read below
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Thanks Lynne for posting the link to the CPA website. Until I explored the website, I was undecided. Now I am truly clear what to do. I believe there is a purpose to put CGAs and CMAs into the affiliate member class. It could mean that the majority of the CPA can do whatever they want to do later on to this class as by vote (if the affiliate member have a right to vote equally) the affiliate members as minority cannot change anything. In addition, CGAO has no or a few members in the CPA board cannot influence the decision the CPA board is going to make. Who will hear from the CGAs by then?

    This is a beautiful takeover not a merger. The CGAs in other 8 provinces who support merger may not have such issue. It is a issue faced by all CGAs of CGAO. Until such classification or similar is removed, rush into merger is only to surrender our rights and leave us hopeless later on…

    Jack Zhu, CGA


    From: Lynne Forgette, CGA [mailto:lynne@forgette.ca]
    Sent: September-18-13 3:08 PM
    To: jack.j.zhu@gmail.com
    Subject: Re: [ANDL] clarification

    Hi Gary...I think the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario's website info about Ontario CGAs becoming a CPA will help clarify...please see http://www.icao.on.ca/Admissions/MemberCMAOorCGAO/AffiliateMember/1010page16062.aspx

    There are affiliate members and associate members - to be an associate member, you have to register as a student and meet the requirements (and you cannot be exempted from writing the UFE...something personally I'm not really interested in having to do right now!), so sure seems to me that CGAs could only "automatically" become a class of member different than the class of member that CAs would receive, hence the different treatment Paul referred to. I'm still not clear on what the difference between the two member options are, apart from the initials used, and am still trying to sift through all the information out there.

    By the way, thanks to everyone participating in this forum - there sure is a lot of information to wade through. Personally, I think CGA Ontario has a better understanding of the environment in Ontario than CGA Canada does, and am trusting them to do what is best for us.

    Best regards,


    Lynne Forgette, B.Comm., CGA

    Certified General Accountant

    20 Westmeath Crescent

    Kanata ON K2K 3B1

    Tel: 613-271-0683

    Fax: 613-691-1145


    www.forgette.ca更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 说了好多次了,有人总是臆想天开地认为合并了,就和CA平起平坐了. 其实CA的意思是合并了, 就把CA其他A的区别固定下来了, 减少对CA的威胁, 而其他A, 连现在争取平起平坐的机会都没了. 职业生涯上想更上一层楼的CGA们其实是没什么好处的, 准备退休的到无所谓了。
      • Agree
      • 此话更靠不住,既然CA想把区别固定住,就没有必要搞CPA了,保持现状正是区别。 所以,我认为很多时候我们是义气用事。看一下别省的投票结果,你会分析出很多CA也不愿意合并。
        • CA不想固定住区别?嘿嘿,那为啥有name tagging的要求?这可是CA提出来的
          • WHO CARES TAGS, I AM PROUD OF MY CGA TAG. 再过十年,除了CPA,没有人知道什么CA CGA CMA 了。
            • name tag只是一例,证明CA不是象你说的那样不想固定区别。再说,CA控制下的CPA,要想把这10年的Deadline延长到终身,也不是不可能
              • 5年内就没人知道LEGACY DESIGNATIONS。CPA已经开始宣传了。
                • 您都能看到5年以后啦,那CPA何必还要定个10年期限呢?诚心想搞合并的话,又何不干脆取消tagging呢,大家现在就能忘了几个A的区别,岂不更省事?
                  • 合并的阻力主要来自新CA,10年算是对他们的补偿。但一旦合并以后,对外就是统一推广CPA。
                    • 内什么,CGA Ontario也从来没支持过合并,谁给我们补偿啊?支持合并的,是不是从心理觉得自己的CGA招牌没有CA硬啊?合并了就都在一条起跑线上了?说实在的,什么A,找工面试的时候还是要看真本领, 把CGA边缘化了,就怕连站跑道的机会都少了。
                      • 合并后board怎么组成?是不是价格谈不下?
                      • 不错,designation不重要,重要的是人,叫什么都一样,来是原来那个人。既然如此,何来边缘化之说?
                        • 现在是两难,不合并的话,其他省已经合并了。在美国,公司不在乎你有没有职称,只要你有能力。只有事务所审计必须CPA。在加拿大被行业协会垄断,没有职称不好跳巢。CA们更是把自己挂在高高的位置上,好职位只要CA. 不懂不要紧,先培训.
                          • In Saskatchewan, they call CPA-joint-venture. So in different provinces, the legal structure of CPA might be different. The name is very interesting.