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Finding a job in accounting firm. Hope this can help more people

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I got asked about this and think it will be helpful to post this for more people to see.

I'm not an expert so this is just based on my own experience.

You need to first make sure you want to work in public practice. It's not for everyone. If you don't like long hours, stress, juggling work and study, then audit might not be for you. If you want to work more in tax, NTR, review, then work-life balance is not bad. If you want to work in industry eventually, then keep in mind switching from public practice to industry can be hard in the beginning. In come cases, it might be better to start in industry and work your way up. However, I don't want to deter you from applying for a firm. Apprenticeship is a rewarding experience comes at some cost. You can afford it if you are still young.

If you have made up your mind. There are several ways:
1. If you have really solid background, good language skills, high marks, try the campus recruitment events. In Vancouver, all CA firms hire new students in fall every year. You need to attend those events to find out when is the due date and how to apply. The networking may help you if you are very good at it. For me, it didn't make a difference. They will still give you interview if your application stands out. Back then when I applied, we submit a generic form called CACEE form which includes your resume and cover letter and other information like school, GPA, extra curricular activities, etc. I will give it a shot no matter what as it's good job searching experience.
2. If you failed the first route, try to apply for the job postings posted on job searching websites. I found my first firm job from craigslist. It's a small firm, so they didn't go through the campus recruitment. You can also try other websites like Glassdoor, Workopolis, etc. Bigger firms have career page for openings on the firm websites.
3. It will be helpful if you know people working in a firm that can refer you.
4. I think there are speed interview events hosted by CGA/CA institute, so you can attend those.
5. Worst case you can try those firms that hire "volunteer" staff accountant. You can gain some experience and leave for a paid job. One of my co-workers did it this way.
6. I don't know if cold calling works as I never tried it myself. Generally most companies don't like that type of applicants. But it can be an option too. Just be prepared for denial.

If you are invited to an interview, be well prepared. Be sharp, be sincere, be motivated, and hope for the best.

So much I can think of. It will be hard at the beginning, but eventually you will get there.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • Finding a job in accounting firm. Hope this can help more people
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I got asked about this and think it will be helpful to post this for more people to see.

    I'm not an expert so this is just based on my own experience.

    You need to first make sure you want to work in public practice. It's not for everyone. If you don't like long hours, stress, juggling work and study, then audit might not be for you. If you want to work more in tax, NTR, review, then work-life balance is not bad. If you want to work in industry eventually, then keep in mind switching from public practice to industry can be hard in the beginning. In come cases, it might be better to start in industry and work your way up. However, I don't want to deter you from applying for a firm. Apprenticeship is a rewarding experience comes at some cost. You can afford it if you are still young.

    If you have made up your mind. There are several ways:
    1. If you have really solid background, good language skills, high marks, try the campus recruitment events. In Vancouver, all CA firms hire new students in fall every year. You need to attend those events to find out when is the due date and how to apply. The networking may help you if you are very good at it. For me, it didn't make a difference. They will still give you interview if your application stands out. Back then when I applied, we submit a generic form called CACEE form which includes your resume and cover letter and other information like school, GPA, extra curricular activities, etc. I will give it a shot no matter what as it's good job searching experience.
    2. If you failed the first route, try to apply for the job postings posted on job searching websites. I found my first firm job from craigslist. It's a small firm, so they didn't go through the campus recruitment. You can also try other websites like Glassdoor, Workopolis, etc. Bigger firms have career page for openings on the firm websites.
    3. It will be helpful if you know people working in a firm that can refer you.
    4. I think there are speed interview events hosted by CGA/CA institute, so you can attend those.
    5. Worst case you can try those firms that hire "volunteer" staff accountant. You can gain some experience and leave for a paid job. One of my co-workers did it this way.
    6. I don't know if cold calling works as I never tried it myself. Generally most companies don't like that type of applicants. But it can be an option too. Just be prepared for denial.

    If you are invited to an interview, be well prepared. Be sharp, be sincere, be motivated, and hope for the best.

    So much I can think of. It will be hard at the beginning, but eventually you will get there.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Thanks for sharing. +1
    • 支持一下。最喜欢这个be sharp. 再加一条,进firm老的快,很快。 +1
    • LZ这个帖很实用, 偶补充一点点关于COLD CALL/DROP IN的经验放在一起。希望对后面的人有帮助。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛偶成绩普通, 学校普通, 长相普通, 没有任何FIRM工作经验, 连Research Assistant的工作经验都没有, 很宅所以没有extra curricular activities, 不喜欢政治所以也没有学生会TITLE etc. 总之简历没有任何亮点 并且因为各种原因忙到十月份才开始申请所以错过了大多数FIRM的申请DEADLINE, 要养家糊口没法做VOLUNTEER,但优点是个人执行能力还可以, IT不错, 语言不错, 性格比较搞笑, 有几年INDUSTRY BOOKEEPER的经验(虽然人家不care >__<)。所以偶认为如果你和我很类似, 那么这个方法是有效的。

      第一轮: 偶记得偶当年APPLY的时候, 在ICAO网站把所有的GTA的FIRM LIST打印出来全部邮寄了COVER LETTER 和RESUME. 花了邮费若干,事实证明, 这个方法是有用的 ^____^。

      第二轮: 去COMMUNITY CAREER CENTRE搞到所有GTA的 所有CA FIRM的名称/电话/Email。然后一家一家EMAIL RESUME, 一家一家打电话CONFIRM 收到RESUME. 然后非常零星的几家告诉我他们收到了我第一轮的RESUME....>___< 但都告诉我第二轮的resume收到了。 其实我觉得打电话是个交朋友的好机会。 没打电话之前都不知道世界上好人有这么多。^____^ 我认为第二轮搞完了就基本可以确认GTA所有的FIRM都有我的resume在它的DATA BASE里面了。 这个方法我执行了1/10然后拿到了个满意的OFFER就跳了, 所以偶认为这个方法比较实用。

      第三轮: DROP IN. 我认识的人当中很多都跳过第二轮直接第三轮。偶认为这个方法对小FIRM其实很可行, 只不过偶找工作的时候本身还有工作所以就没有使用这种方法。

      偶当时搞这个本是想真的试试看到底能拿多少OFFER, 因为所有同学一起毕业都在找工作, 如果能多拿些OFFER,那么剩余下来可以REFER给周围的人机会多些, 最后事实证明, 上面三个方法确实很实用, 偶周围的朋友凡是想去FIRM的, 最后都找到了FIRM的工作, 不想去FIRM的, 也都找到了自己满意的会计工作。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • very helpful. much appreciated!
      • Excellent post!
    • LZ帖子很实用 受教了