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你google EHT expemption, 第一条出来的就是

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Basic rules
Eligible employers are exempt from EHT on the first $450,000 of total Ontario remuneration each year. This exemption will be adjusted for inflation every five years using the Ontario Consumer Price Index. Employers with annual Ontario payroll over $5 million cannot claim the exemption.
Only one annual exemption is available for an associated group of employers. Employers that are associated at any time during the year must take into account the total Ontario remuneration of each associated entity in determining whether they can claim the exemption. When the combined total Ontario remuneration of all the employers that are associated exceeds $5 million, these employers are not eligible for the exemption.
Eligible employers
Eligible employers generally include:
• private-sector employers
• organizations that receive financial assistance from any level of government but are not under the control of government
• Crown corporations that are subject to federal income tax under Part I of the federal Income Tax Act.
Employers may be corporations, individuals, partnerships or trusts.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • Employer health tax是不管公司多少payroll exp都要交吗。说有450000可以不交。那要是一个公司payroll exp 300000多, 那是不是这300000多都要打税, 没有可以罢免的部分
    • EHT is based on the gross Ontario pay, not payroll expenses. Suggest you read the requirement properly.
      • 嗯, 我知道。我想知道是不是不管这个gross earning 多少都要交EHT. 罢免的部分是怎么算的。450k 以下的公司是不是没有罢免的部分
        • 450K以下的不用交EHT。
          • 可是公司我查了记录,几年来一直450k 以下。但以前的会计一直给交。并且政府每月还邮寄来表格让交。我在政府网上没找到最低的限度。
          • 还有政府网上说,The EHT rates vary from 0.98% on Ontario payroll less than $200,000, up to 1.95% for payroll in excess of $400,000。
          • 政府网上还说,For example, an employer with $175,000 of Ontario payroll, and who does not have any tax exemption, would have a tax rate of 0.98%, and would pay EHT of $1,715 for the year.。但我知道很多会计事务所做的小公司都没有交EHT
            • 那就说明你们公司不符合exemptions 的条件。你好好看看哪种公司可以被exempted。另外,今年是450k,去年400k,再之前你自己查。
              • 谢谢, 我之前看过。也看过罢免的条件。目前的罢免条件上就说高于450k的各种。但我找不到低于450k 的。我知道低于450k很多公司不用交。但我在政府网上没找到低于450k什么条件可罢免
                • 你google EHT expemption, 第一条出来的就是
                  本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Basic rules
                  Eligible employers are exempt from EHT on the first $450,000 of total Ontario remuneration each year. This exemption will be adjusted for inflation every five years using the Ontario Consumer Price Index. Employers with annual Ontario payroll over $5 million cannot claim the exemption.
                  Only one annual exemption is available for an associated group of employers. Employers that are associated at any time during the year must take into account the total Ontario remuneration of each associated entity in determining whether they can claim the exemption. When the combined total Ontario remuneration of all the employers that are associated exceeds $5 million, these employers are not eligible for the exemption.
                  Eligible employers
                  Eligible employers generally include:
                  • private-sector employers
                  • organizations that receive financial assistance from any level of government but are not under the control of government
                  • Crown corporations that are subject to federal income tax under Part I of the federal Income Tax Act.
                  Employers may be corporations, individuals, partnerships or trusts.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                  • 谢谢, 这个我看过很多次。我不明白我们公司明明是eligible的, 为什么交那么多年eht. 本来不用交的啊。而且政府还发信让我们交,从没说不用交。我想我星期一打电话过去问问
                    • 你如果可以确定你们公司是白交了那么多年,你自己对比下利弊要不要把这个mistake跟老板说出来,说的时候要同时给出解决方案,比如如何把钱拿回来,要花多少时间精力等等。