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Out of curiosity, I did some digging and hate to tell you the very bad news: the symptoms may never go away completely... you may need surgery....no ideal treatment...

SIRVA stands for shoulder injury related to vaccine administration. Here’s what you need to know about this rare injury, including its causes, symptoms, and treatment.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 我是12月31日打完Moderna 加强针,己过半个月左上臂有时还隐隐作痛,有类似经历的吗?如何缓解? +8
    • 我已经三个月了 左边膀子穿衣仍有困难 止痛片吃了一堆 +9
      • same here 一度怀疑心脏有问题 +1
      • 看了你这个,吓了一大跳。我右臂疼了有半年,现在还不能提重物。一直以为是夏天收拾后院拉伤了。看来没准是第二针引起的。 +1
        • 我也是吓了一跳 没想到那么多人 +1
          • Wow. This sucks. I hope you have a speedy recovery. +1
            • thx buddy. unfortunately, it will never happen based on #14284425@0 +1
              • while that is just one opinion. I trust God given body has strong rehabilitation. Also, tradition chinese medication may help. Meanwhile, avoid further shot. Good luck bro! +2
    • +4
    • 這個是SIRVA,是肩傷害的一種,原因是打針的位置太高,沒有打到三角肌,而是把疫苗注射到肩峰下的組織,加拿大疫苗站不要求” 坐著手叉腰”的標準手臂注射姿勢,會造成一定數量的SIRVA +5
      • 草菅人臂 +4
        • 手臂下垂做任何肌肉注射,都可能發生Sirva +1
          • 永久伤害!?如果有明确的起因 为什么不改进 医疗行业没有反映的渠道 找议员 律师。?!!! +1
            • 有人打新冠疫苗被直接打进血管里了,针头拔出来上面有血,这种副作用会很大,但是有谁管?只能自认倒霉。有些国家注射疫苗时规定要先回抽,确认没打进血管。 +6
              • 看过一个视频说现在一次性针不能回抽,说是防止二次使用,不知是真是假。 +1
          • 是永久伤害么?我也是第二针之后,但是最近变轻了,没有完全好后提手臂有困难。我看过医生做过b超,说有炎症但不是肩周炎。
      • 这么多人打疫苗 就算几率低也不少人受害 +4
      • 请问sirva在肌肉比较明显的人群中发生几率会不会比较少?
      • 症状轻能不能完全康复?
      • 我第一针疫苗。胳臂疼了一个月,部队的卫生兵给扎针,动作太猛。
    • Out of curiosity, I did some digging and hate to tell you the very bad news: the symptoms may never go away completely... you may need surgery....no ideal treatment... +5
      SIRVA stands for shoulder injury related to vaccine administration. Here’s what you need to know about this rare injury, including its causes, symptoms, and treatment.
    • rolia一个小网站就那么多人,几乎一条胳膊半残废了。。。。。。。 +5
      • LOL,50肩或铲雪铲的也可能。。。刚知道三角肌在哪,11,加拿大还带学习护士知识的~
        • 哈哈