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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 急问:朋友的孩子被同学告发贩毒,她一直对孩子特别放心,一点也不相信孩子会干这种事。但她又想证实孩子是否说谎,唯一的办法是去找个地方检测孩子的尿样,她想知道什么地方可以做这种事?谢谢了。
    • 那个学校啊?
    • 贩毒和吸毒不是一回事。
      • 是不是一回事,但是她想不能从孩子嘴上得到实话,这是唯一能证实孩子是否说谎的方法。
        • 请你参考一下网站,找出对你有用的信息。 24小时 drug information line 1-800-463-6273
          • Substance Abuse in Canada: Youth in Focus(PDF)
          • Resources and Services for and about Youth
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Information Line
            If you have a touch-tone phone, you can use the
            service 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Every
            day from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. (except holidays), trained
            staff are on hand to serve people without touch-tone
            service, and to provide information and referrals to
            anyone who needs help.
            This service is free and completely confidential. Call
            as often as you like. Taped messages include:
            Alcohol, Children and the Family; Talking with your
            Kids About Drugs; and An Early Start: Drug
            Education Begins at Home. The 24-hour Information
            Line has more than 36 taped messages in English
            and French, touching on a wide variety of mental
            health, alcohol- and other drug-related topics.
            Selected messages are also available in several other
            languages, such as Cantonese, Greek, Italian, Polish,
            Portuguese, Punjabi and Spanish.
            • Ontario Toll-Free: 1-800-463-6273
            • Toronto: (416) 595-6111
            • Substance Abuse Network of Ontario (SANO):
            Other Information
            A large variety of information is available via fax,
            free of charge. To access the FaxBack Library, dial
            (416) 595-6099 and follow the prompts.
            If you need more details about alcohol and other
            drug treatment, call the Drug and Alcohol Registry of
            Treatment (DART). Ontario Toll-Free: 1-800-565-8603
            For courses related to specialized mental health and
            addiction knowledge and skills, contact Education
            and Training Services at (416) 595-6020.
            Web-based Resources
            • Virtual Party: www.virtual-party.org
            • Educating Students about Drug Use and Abuse:
            Ready-To-Use Lesson Plans for Drug Education in
            Your Classroom: sano.camh.net/curriculum
            • Preventing Substance Use Problems among Young
            People: A Compendium of Best Practices:
            Public Information Materials
            • An Early Start • My Kid On Drugs?
            • About Cocaine • About Smoking
            • About Marijuana • About Alcohol
            • Help! There’s a Teenager in My Home!
            • Take Action: Alcohol, Other Drug Problems
            and Your Family
            Other Resources
            • Let ’Em Go: How to Support Youth in Creating Their
            Own Solutions
            • Drug Use Among Ontario Students: Findings from
            the Ontario Student Drug Use Survey (1977–2001)
            • Youth and Drugs: An Education Package
            for Professionals
            • Youth Action Program
            • The Smart Report: Substance Abuse and
            Canadian Youth
            • Opening Doors (school-based program for
            Grade 9 students at risk)
            • Freedom to Act: The Harm Reduction for
            Rural Youth Project Experience; Supporting Youth
            Creating Solutions for Youth
            For additional information about these or other CAMH
            products, or to place an order, please contact:
            Marketing and Sales Services
            Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
            33 Russell Street
            Toronto, Ontario M5S 2S1
            Continental North America: 1-800-661-1111
            Metro Toronto: (416) 595-6059
            e-mail: marketing@camh.net
            Visit our Web site at: www.camh.net
            Resources and Services for and about Youth
            2278更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • Ontario • DART: Drug and Alcohol Registry of Treatment Toll-free from anywhere in Ontario: 1-800-565-8603
    • 警察会来证实,否则就算了,自己多留意就是了;何况贩和吸食注射是2个概念
    • clinic可以吗? Serum and urine toxi screening
      • 不行
    • 别担心, 看完这个录像,每个人都明白,是主流社会的正常行为。
      • 你是到这里幸灾乐祸来了!
        • 俺儿子也贩过, 为这俺把他扫地出门。 最近看了这个视频后,俺正式给他道了歉。
          • 可以多问一句,1,他现在是吸还是贩呢?2, 你支持吗?
            • 他19岁了, 我无权干涉他在干什么。 他在滑铁卢上大2,没工作,经济独立,自己供自己上大学。
              • 多句嘴啊,如果是大麻呢,我觉得相对好些,但是可卡因或者是摇头丸真的不好。作为父亲,不干涉,但是 need talk。。。
                • 他们在争取大蔴合法化。他还吸大麻。
                  • 我知道,是医用合法化,目前最新的研究是,大麻在一些疾病治疗方面有效果。
                  • 你不担心吗?
                    • 担心过,看了这个视频后,感觉以前担心是多余的。
                      • 我还是建议你看看我上面发的几个PDF文件吧。
      • 可卡因?
        • 最好看看视频,再来讨论。
          • 看不到,不过我知道,虽然是主流,但是华人家庭,多少不接受这种融入方式
            • 最近几届美国总统和加拿大总理哪个没用过毒?种大蔴的华人家庭也不少。
              • 无良,种大麻
                • (#5752816@0)
    • 1 ,首先建议你赶快联系学校的social worker 2,去华人社区找有经验的老社工问问,这样的方法怎么处理? 一般来说,贩是犯罪
    • 搞清楚是大麻还是其他的?
      • 她只想知道如何知道他是否卖或吸食无论是大麻或毒品。
        • 你把那个电话给她,然后请她联系学校的social worker,因为一般这样的事情,学校,警局和社工,都应该同时知道,社工会依据他的情况,开始进入社工辅导的流程的。
    • 不肯定drug test是否有帮助,只知道occupational health service,这些地方肯定可以做drug test
      • 请给个连接;收费不? 谢谢!
        • 唉·~~~here
    • 谢谢大家的关心,并提供很多有用的信息;最后结果是:她的孩子被一个白人女孩儿爱上了,但是他不同意,所以那个女孩诬告他贩毒。现在女孩的思想工作已经作通了。