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工作学习 / IT技术讨论 / a typical unix interview questionGuys, motivated by the previous discussion on unix C, which was reminiscent of those good old days when I worked on Unix., here I give you guys a couple of more typical interview questions I used to ask at interviews:
1) how to create a daemon process
2)How do you achieve interprocess communication(IPC), give me
an example to illustrate how you can use unamed pipe to make two
processes talk.
3)What is the difference between kernel and user threads?
.... list goes on..
我还以为lumlum去了窝太滑得到武林密笈了, 几个月不见成了旷世高手. Anyway, welcome on board and thanks for the contribution. I suggest you using "numnum" instead of "lumlum".
-wonton_soup(Wonton Soup);
hehe, sorry for confusion, pal..I was just too lazy to sign off,
and she doesn't bother to sign back on if I have signed her off.
see you on Saturday
lumlum....... I have to surrender, I must fail at the interview, anyway, I want to know the right answer. :-(
sorry, I was watching TV just now
哈哈!第一个致命错误是我的笔误,真糟糕,手指一抖,0变1了 :-)还有,为什么跟帖不多?是不是都是WINDOWS程序员,而搞UNIX的很少呢?据我所知UNIX下的工作机会很多呀,怎么没有人感兴趣呢?
I hope meet you soon, actually I met problem in my project recently. I need your help! :-)
Yard! Buddy, I am sure you can get help from him!
Hi,在哪都能见到你。您是做哪行的,怎么什么都知道?希望有机会能认识一下。Thank you!
- you know how to write a hardware driver on sco unix? i have some question. could u help me?