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枫下茶话 / 法律 / 刚接到入籍考试通知。去年4月申请, 2月21考试。请问考试要带什么文件去? 会检查我离开加拿大的时间吗? 除了笔试, 会被问什么问题? 结果当场知道吗? 多久能宣誓,我在温哥华。
1 Everything on the letter; 2 They'll look at your passport quickly; 3 Some casual questions such as occupation; 4 No; 5 I know someone waited 5 months after test (Vancouver, recently).
I applied in 2004/07, first letter 2004/08, nothing afterwards, no online info. lost 2 jobs in US. No job in Canada after Master degree.
what a miserable life!
你比八月以后寄申请的人可幸运多了. 他们的系统好象DOWN了好久了. 所以说不定你很快就能受到考试通知. 工作已经有过两个了,相信第三个也不会难的. 温哥华工作难找啊... 你美国的工作是在哪个州? WA, CA, 或东部?
系统好象DOWN了好久???? 可否说说内幕详情?
在这里看的, XD们打过电话
jobs in CA and GA. I have been lokking for jobs in canada for almost one year. no results.
Canucks = Canada Sucks.
你已经胜利在望, 再坚持一下. 温哥华的处理速度好象不慢. 祝你早日接到考试通知. 你找工作的时候去面试了吗? 还是直接就给了OFFER? 是找的公司, 还是应聘的广告, 或中介? 我也在找, 愁面试啊, 要签证...
submitted 1000's of resumes on the net directly on companies's websites. no other channels.I had more than 3 phone interviews before the two companies asked me for an onsite interview(I think it is because I live too far away from the companies). each lasted a whole day.
I got my B1/B2 visa(10 years) when I was a student at university.
On 2.14, my status became "on process", I don't know how long it will take to get the test letter.
等你的好消息! 你找美国工作的命中率挺高的(好多公司主页上的职位其实都CLOSE很久了, 也有给申请绿卡的人RUN的). 如果你再应聘一下广告什么的, 再拿几个OFFER也轻松. 美国公司更重视技术才能, 不太问STUPID的HR问题.